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词汇 渡过
例句 She gave them a loan to help get them out of their financial hole. 她贷款给他们,以帮助他们渡过经济难关。In the end, it was her passionate belief in justice that carried her through.最后,是她对公正的热忱信念帮助她渡过了难关。If we can come through this crisis, the company's future looks bright.如果我们能渡过这次危机,公司将会有光明的前途。His courage carried him through.他的勇气使他渡过了难关。He said the support of his fans had pulled him through.他说他的崇拜者们的支持帮他渡过了难关。The Cabinet egg-danced from one crisis to another.内阁迂回曲折地渡过一个又一个危机。Even if the government survives this crisis, they still face enormous problems.政府即使渡过此次危机,也仍将面临巨大的问题。It is only our determination to fight that has pulled us through.正是我们坚持战斗的决心帮我们渡过了难关。We need strong government to take the country through this crisis.我们需要靠强有力的政府管理使国家渡过这次危机。I'm sure she will survive this crisis.我相信她会渡过这个难关的。The country lumbered through several months of political uncertainty and economic chaos.那个国家艰难地渡过了好几个月的政治动荡和经济混乱。She would have to call on all her strength if she was to survive the next few months.要想渡过未来几个月的难关,她就必须竭尽全力。His determination pulled him through.他的决心帮助他渡过了难关。The warmth and strength of their relationship carried them through difficult times.他们之间友好稳固的关系使他们渡过了困难时期。Northern Ireland weathered the recession better than any other region in the UK.北爱尔兰比英国其他地区更顺利地渡过了经济萧条。The job wasn't easy but we are over the hump now.这项工作不容易,但现在我们已渡过了困难阶段。Up to this point, he hasn't decided what to do with his sabbatical.到目前为止,他还没有决定要如何渡过他七年一次的公休假。We crossed at the narrowest part of the river.我们从河道最窄的地方渡过The canoeist succeeded in going over the rapids.操独木舟者成功地渡过了激流。He helped to pull me through the difficulty.他帮助我渡过了难关。Jason had helped him out with a loan, until he could get back on an even keel.贾森借了一笔钱给他,在他重新走上正轨之前帮他渡过了难关。Private firms are willing to make large scale investments to help cure Russia's economic troubles.私有企业愿意投巨资帮助俄罗斯渡过经济难关。Both my children have brought me through extremely difficult times since my husband died.丈夫过世以后,我的两个孩子一次次帮我渡过了特别困难的时期。It was a bad time for my family, but we managed to pull through it.那时候我家里很困难,但我们成功渡过了难关。Their courage carried them through.他们的勇气使他们渡过了难关。Young Columbus dreamed of crossing the ocean someday to the great beyond.年轻时的哥伦布梦想有一日渡过大洋到达远方的彼岸。He guided the country through the war.他领导国家渡过战争。We got through the ordeal by taking one day at a time. 我们挺过了一天又一天,终于渡过了难关。We've turned the financial corner.我们已渡过了财政上的难关。Jason had helped him out with a series of loans, until he could get back on an even keel.贾森接连借了几笔钱给他,在他重新走上正轨之前帮他渡过了难关。We are a very close-knit family and support each other through any crises.我们家非常团结,互相扶持渡过种种危机。She had a lot of difficulties, but Mrs. Miller saw her through.她遇到很多困难,但米勒夫人帮助她渡过了难关。We should be able to get out of this mess, provided we stick together.只要我们同心协力,就能渡过这个难关。The soldiers' courage carried them through.战士们鼓足勇气,渡过了难关。With the enemy army hard on his heels, he crossed the Somme at Blanche-Taque.他在布朗什-塔克渡过了索姆河,敌军紧随身后。If we can pull through this recession, we will be in good shape.如果我们能渡过这段经济不景气的时间,我们就会好多了。I think we're over the worst of it. Things should get better from now on.我认为我们已渡过了最大的难关,从现在起一切都会好起来。The prime minister appeared to have weathered a parliamentary crisis.首相看来已经渡过了一次议会危机。The manager of the hotel chain claims that they have turned the corner.那家连锁酒店的经理声称他们已渡过这个难关。It was a difficult time but they managed to ride out the storm.那段时间很困难,但他们还是渡过了难关。




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