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词汇 confident
例句 Being tall can make you feel incredibly self-confident.个子高会使你感觉极其自信。She possessed a confident sexuality beyond her years.她拥有超越年龄的自信与性感。I don't want you becoming too confident.我不希望你变得太自信。He remains confident and seemingly untroubled by his recent problems.他依然自信如初,似乎没有被新近的问题所困扰。Negotiators are confident they can wrap up a deal soon.谈判者确信他们将很快做成一笔交易。I had to remind myself that being confident is not the same as being perfect!我得提醒自己表现得自信和表现得完美并不是一回事!The players seem more relaxed and confident this season.这个赛季球员们看起来更放松、更有自信。He's very forward and confident and chats happily to other people.他很自以为是,喜欢和别人攀谈。That shy reserved young man had turned into a confident adult.以前那个腼腆不多言的小伙子,现在已变成一个充满自信的成年人了。He came out of the interview feeling quietly confident.他面试后走出来,暗自觉得有了把握。They are bright, intelligent, able and confident.他们聪明又智慧,能干又自信。In these circumstances, it is difficult to see how he can be so confident.在这种情况下,很难理解他为什么还能如此自信。She is confident that everybody is on her side.她确信所有人都站在她这边。He has a confident manner.他态度自信。She was confident she could worm her way into their affections.她确信她能想办法逐渐博得他们的喜爱。He's confident that he'll come out a winner.他坚信自己将会成为胜者。You don't half sound confident.你听起来信心十足。They're feeling pretty confident now, but if you ask me, they're riding for a fall.他们现在感觉蛮有信心,但要让我说,他们是在走向失败。You should be feeling confident and bold when you meet your bank manager.你会见银行经理的时候要大胆自信。He is confident of success.他确信必能成功。He sounded a confident note when he talked about the company's future plans.谈起公司的未来规划时他满怀信心。Her lawyers were confident that they could get her off.她的律师有信心让她无罪。Kids are so much more well travelled, confident, and worldly wise these days.现在的孩子们更加见多识广、自信又世故。Abigail walked to the microphone, poised and confident.阿比盖尔走向麦克风,镇定而充满自信。She was a confident and pushy young woman.她是个自信又固执己见的年轻女性。Patrick was confident of his ability to get work for himself.派翠克自信有能力为自己找到工作。I'm not very confident about going back to work.我对重新工作不太有信心。She sauntered onto the set, looking serenely confident.她从容地走到拍摄片场,看起来沉着而自信。The doctors are confident he'll make a full recovery. It's just a question of time.医生们确信他会完全康复。这只是个时间问题。Few males can resist a self-confident seductress.很少有男人能抵挡住志在必得的女人的勾引。Workmen have yet to finish the new complex, but the organisers are confident it will be all right on the night.工人们还没完成新的综合大楼,但组织者相信船到桥头自然直。She was terribly nervous, but she acted confident.她紧张得要命,却做出一副自信的样子。She was supremely self-confident, with the gift of being able to talk on any subject whenever the camera was rolling.她极其自信,具有在镜头前谈论任何话题的天赋。Nigel Deering, the publisher, is quietly confident about the magazine's chances.出版商奈杰尔·迪林心中对这份杂志的成功很有把握。He seems confident, but you should take what he says with a grain of salt.他似乎很有把握,但他的话你不能全信。You must be confident, otherwise the interviewers will just eat you alive.你必须充满自信,否则会被面试者问得说不出话来。Doctors are confident that he'll make a full recovery.医生有信心他能完全康复。He is not confident in his Chinese.他对自己的汉语水平没信心。He's becoming more confident as he gets older.随着年龄的增长,他变得更自信了。He's a lot more self-confident since he met Anna.他自从遇到安娜后有了更多的自信。




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