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词汇 confessed
例句 A young married woman, supposedly fulfilled by husband and children, confessed the emptiness of her life.一位年轻的已婚女子,按说有了丈夫和孩子应该感到满足,可她却坦白说生活空虚。He confessed to the murder but later retracted his statement.他承认犯了谋杀罪但后来又翻供了。He confessed to the murder.他对谋杀罪行供认不讳。They confessed to intelligence with the enemy.他们供认曾与敌人交换情报。There was an awkward silence after he confessed his love for her.他向她表明爱意之后,两人陷入了一阵尴尬的沉默。He was arrested and confessed to the murder.他被逮捕并承认了谋杀罪行。He confessed to the murder then later retracted his statement.他承认这起凶杀案是他干的,但后来又翻供了。He never confessed his love for her. 他从未向她表白过对她的爱意。A self-confessed workaholic, Tony Richardson can't remember when he last had a holiday.承认自己是工作狂的托尼·理查德森都记不起上次休假是什么时候了。Edwards eventually confessed to being a spy.爱德华兹最终供认他是间谍。She confessed that she stole the necklace.她承认偷了那条项链。He is a self-confessed homosexual. Very few people dare to come out of the closet like he did.他自认是同性恋者,像他这样敢出柜的不多。He confessed to Sarah that he had been seeing another woman.他向萨拉承认他一直和另一个女人有来往。A tape was played in court in which he confessed to the crime.他承认罪行的录音磁带被当庭播放。The prisoner confessed his crimes and threw himself on the mercy of the court. 囚犯对自己的罪行供认不讳,祈求法庭宽恕。A former US diplomat has confessed to spying.一名前美国外交官承认从事过间谍活动。She is a confessed monarchist.她公开承认自己拥护君主制度。My husband confessed he'd been having an affair with a woman in his office.我丈夫承认他和办公室里的一个女人有暧昧关系。She confessed a secret desire to be famous.她承认自己私下希望成名。I confessed my sins to the priest.我向神父忏悔我的罪过。He finally confessed.他终于认罪了。He is a self-confessed thief.他自己承认是小偷。He confessed that he had sinful thoughts.他承认曾动过邪念。Arthur confessed to the priest.亚瑟向神父忏悔。One of the witnesses in the original case confessed that he had lied under oath.原案中的一个证人承认他在宣誓之后撒了谎。After two days of questioning, he finally confessed.经过两天的盘问,他终于招认了。The criminal confessed to the priest.罪犯向神父忏悔。He confessed to having a secret admiration for his opponent.他承认私底下很钦佩他的对手。Dave confessed he didn't visit his parents as often as he should.戴夫承认他应该多去看看父母,但他没有。The killer confessed that he often drugged his victims before he killed them.那名杀手供认在杀人之前他通常对受害者使用麻醉剂。He confessed to having been a bundle of nerves.他承认自己一直神经极度紧张。He cracked under interrogation and confessed.他招架不住盘问,供认了一切。The brutal torture broke the prisoner who eventually confessed.酷刑制服了囚犯,使他终于招供。Sampras confessed that he was homesick for America after five weeks in Europe.桑普拉斯承认,在欧洲待了五个星期,他想念美国了。They had confessed their sins and done their penance.他们已经告罪并作了补赎。He confessed just before he died.他临终前做了忏悔。He confessed that he did not read the assigned book.他承认他没有读指定的书。No one confessed to taking the pen.没人承认拿了那支钢笔。Her husband, whom she adored, confessed that he had been seeing other women.她深爱的丈夫坦白承认,他在和其他女人来往。I confessed my sins.我承认自己的罪过。




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