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词汇 涌上
例句 A joyful spasm took hold of him.一阵欢乐之情涌上他的心头。The black memory of his mother's death rushed over him again.母亲的死这件使他十分悲痛的往事又涌上他的心头。The French crowds pour like lemmings down the motorway to Paris.一群群法国人像旅鼠一样涌上通往巴黎的高速公路。The blood flushed into her face.涌上她的面部。The tears came unbidden to her eyes.眼泪不由自主地涌上她的双眼。A seizure is just a surge of electrical energy going through your brain which throws it out of kilter.癫痫发作就像是一股电流涌上大脑,使大脑失衡。A crowd jammed into the bus.一群人涌上公车。A mounting wave of dislike rose within me.一股越来越强烈的厌恶情绪涌上我的心头。A wave of nostalgia came over him.一股思乡之情涌上他的心头。Police struggled to control the sudden surge forward by the demonstrators.警察奋力制止突然涌上前来的示威者。A feeling of utter helplessness washed over him.一种全然无助的感觉涌上他的心头。She felt a gush of pure affection for her mother.对母亲的爱突然涌上她的心头。The moving thoughts urged themselves upon her.一连串的想法涌上她的心头。Thousands of protesters poured out onto the streets.成千上万的抗议者涌上街头。Everything is crowding in on me.所有事一齐涌上我的心头。Hundreds of banner-waving demonstrators took to the streets.几百名挥舞着标语的游行者涌上街头。He was overcome by waves of anger/fear.一腔怒气/一阵恐慌涌上他的心头。People invaded the streets in victory processions.人们涌上大街,列队游行庆祝胜利。Anger coursed through him.怒火涌上他的心头。A wave of distrust swept over him.他心头涌上一阵不信任感。Tears welled in her eyes.泪水涌上她的双眼。The blood rushed to her face as she realized her error.当她意识到了自己的错误时血一下子涌上了她的脸。Red blood inundated her face, previously so pale.鲜红的血液涌上她那张原先十分苍白的脸。I had my first attack of tears.我开始感到泪水涌上She was suffering spasms of guilt.一阵阵愧疚感涌上她的心头。The hot tears welled up in her eyes.热泪涌上她的眼眶。Londoners came out on the streets in their thousands.伦敦居民成千上万地涌上街头。Bits and pieces of the past raced through her mind.往昔的点点滴滴涌上她的心头。Thousands of people have taken to the streets in defiance of the curfew.成千上万的人不顾宵禁涌上街头。She felt a sudden pang of guilt.一阵罪恶感突然涌上她的心头。Row upon row of women surged forwards.一排排的女人涌上前去。When I thought about it, it all came back.当我回想起来,往事全都涌上了心头。He felt a lump in his throat, and tears forming in his eyes.他觉得喉咙哽咽,泪水涌上双眼。She felt a wave of tiredness sweep over her.她的心头涌上一阵疲惫感。The crowds were eddying into the road.人群乱哄哄地涌上街头。




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