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词汇 消磨
例句 I borrowed a few more books to carry me through the summer.我多借了几本书以消磨这个夏天。Morse idled away most of Monday in his office.莫尔斯星期一的大部分时间都消磨在办公室里。She lounged the afternoon away at the beach.她懒懒散散地在海滩上消磨了一个下午。These unfortunate incidents sapped both our morale and our resources.这些不幸的事件既消磨了大家的士气,又破坏了我们的资源。He idled away the time in dreamy thought.他把时间消磨在幻想上。They lingered away the whole evening at the tea-house.他们在茶馆消磨掉整整一个晚上。They spend their weekends messing around on their boat.他们在船上消磨他们的周末时光。She hardly knew how to get through the rest of the day.她不知道怎么消磨这一天剩下的时间。We laughed away the hours.我们说笑着消磨了几个小时。We spent the evening walking around the town.我们在镇上四处逛,消磨夜晚时光。The evenings were whiled away in endless games of cards.晚上的时光都是没完没了地打牌消磨掉的。She felt her individuality was being submerged by family life.她感到自己的个性正在被家庭生活消磨殆尽。He whiled away the whole afternoon watching TV.他看电视消磨了一个下午。We idled away the evening playing cards.我们打牌消磨了整个晚上。Our energy dwindled as the meeting dragged on.会议拖拖拉拉进行着,我们的精力消磨殆尽。I delight in my armchair, whiling the overs away by dipping in and out of sleep.我喜欢舒服地躺在扶手椅上,一会儿睡去一会儿醒来,消磨多余的时光。Most of the fight had been knocked out of her.她的斗志已经被消磨将尽。Cabin cruisers are suitable for a pleasant few hours just pottering about.舱式游艇适合悠闲地消磨几个小时的时光。His artistic talents were wasted in his boring job.他的艺术天分被枯燥乏味的工作消磨殆尽。She whiled away the afternoon reading cheap thrills.她看廉价的惊险小说消磨了一个下午。These scandals are eroding confidence in the market.这些丑闻正在消磨人们对市场的信心。They pottered the day away.他们消磨了一天的时光。Chinaski is not going to spend much time mooching in the kitchen.奇纳斯基不想在厨房里消磨太多时间。With time to kill, he took a cab to the centre.还有点时间可以消磨,他就叫了一辆出租车到市中心去。I idle my time going to the movies.我把时间消磨在看电影上。None can match your sheer willpower and persistence in wearing down the opposition.消磨反对派的意志方面,没有人能比得上你那惊人的意志力和不懈的坚持。She beguiled her days with reading.她以阅读消磨时日。They had a long, leisurely lounge by the pool.他们在泳池边悠闲地消磨漫长的时光。By then we had managed to dawdle away most of the afternoon.到那时我们已经消磨了大半个下午了。He had no difficulty in speaking at length about nothing in particular and spinning out the time.他毫不费力地讲着长篇大论的空话,把时间消磨过去。Instead of talking away your evenings you could be studying or reading books.你们可以学习或看书,而不要把一个个夜晚消磨在闲谈中。All her good intentions had been eroded away.她的好心已经渐渐消磨殆尽了。They passed the evening playing cards.他们玩牌消磨那天晚上的时光。He drove there to kill a couple of hours.他驾车去那里消磨一两个小时。




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