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词汇 condemned
例句 The book has been widely condemned as blasphemous.人们普遍谴责这本书亵渎了神明。Buddha was a social reformer who condemned India's caste system.佛陀是一位社会改革家,他谴责印度的种姓制度。Community leaders condemned the antics of right-wing extremists.公众领袖谴责右翼极端分子哗众取宠的行为。The government has condemned the decision.政府谴责了那个决定。He condemned the court and, by implication, the entire legal system.他谴责法庭,其实也是影射整个法律体系。The club's managing director condemned their behaviour as totally out of order.这家俱乐部的常务董事谴责他们的行为,认为完全不符合俱乐部规程。The scheme has been condemned as extreme.人们指责该计划太过极端。Politicians have condemned the attacks.政界人士对袭击表示了谴责。His occupation condemned him to spend long periods of time away from his family.他的职业迫使他长时间地离开家人。The statement was quickly condemned in the court of public opinion. 这项声明很快就遭到公众的谴责。The Labour Party and the teaching unions condemned the idea.英国工党和教师工会谴责了这一主张。It condemned in extremely strong language what it called Britain's iniquitous campaign.它言辞激烈地谴责了这场它所谓的英国极不公正的竞选活动。The Deputy Commander has condemned this weekend's protest as deliberate provocation.副指挥官谴责本周末的抗议活动是蓄意挑衅。The island was condemned to centuries of colonial rule.该岛被殖民统治了几个世纪。Those condemned were executed with revolting cruelty.那些被判死刑的人们被极为残忍地处决。The court condemned her to spend all her days in prison.法庭判她终身监禁。The president of the university condemned racism on campus in no uncertain terms.那个大学的校长明确谴责校园内的种族歧视现象。The law has been condemned as an attack on personal liberty.这项法律被指责侵犯人身自由。The pool was closed after being condemned as a health hazard.这座游泳池被宣布对健康构成威胁后便关闭了。The condemned man walked the last mile.死刑犯走上了他的最后旅程。The terrorist fringe condemned the decision and threatened to use force.恐怖主义的极端分子谴责了这项决定,并威胁说要使用武力。The Opposition has/have condemned the government's proposed tax increases.反对党谴责了政府提高税率的提议。Paralysis of the lower limbs condemned him to a wheelchair.下肢瘫痪使他只好坐轮椅。Red Cross officials condemned the treatment that imprisoned guerrillas have received.红十字会官员谴责了被关押的游击队员所遭受的待遇。Politicians and religious leaders have universally condemned this act of terrorism.政治家以及宗教领袖一致谴责这种恐怖主义行径。She condemned the protest in strong terms.她以激烈的措辞谴责这场抗议。The decision has been roundly condemned.这一决定受到了严厉谴责。Police hunting the culprits have condemned the attack.追缉凶犯的警方对这次袭击给予了谴责。Cuts to services were condemned by all delegates.削减服务性事业的经费受到全体代表的谴责。Thomas McMahon was condemned to life imprisonment for killing Lord Mountbatten.托马斯·麦克马洪因杀害蒙巴顿勋爵而被判终身监禁。The houses were condemned after floods caused extensive damage.那些房子遭受洪水严重损毁之后被封闭了。Demonstrators condemned the summit as a futile and fruitless exercise.示威者谴责这次峰会是徒然无效之举。He examined the condemned and then read the sentence.他查看了被判罪的人,然后宣读判决。He was taken away after being condemned for robbery and armed assault.他犯有抢劫和武装袭击罪,判决后被带走了。The old bridge has been condemned.这座旧桥已被宣告不能使用。Pop music was condemned as decadent and crude.流行音乐被指责为堕落而又粗俗。Here the hero is decorated. Here the felon is condemned.在这里英雄授誉;在这里罪犯受罚。Both men have been condemned to life imprisonment.两人均被判处终身监禁。The condemned men were resigned to their fate.被判刑的人只好接受自己的命运。She had not waited for any explanation but had condemned him unheard.她不等听取任何解释便定了他的罪。




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