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词汇 浇水
例句 Avoid wetting the leaves when you water the plant.给这种植物浇水时,不要弄湿叶子。Tomato plants must be watered regularly.西红柿植株必须定期浇水The garden needs watering daily.花园每天都需要浇水Water the soil when it becomes dry to the touch.泥土摸上去干燥的话就要浇水了。The fireman directed his hose at the flames.消防队员将水龙管对准火焰浇水The garden is crying out to be watered.园地需要马上浇水As the plants get established, they will need frequent watering.植物开始生长时需要定期浇水Could you stop off at the house to water the plants?你能在中途顺便去房子那里给植物浇水吗?I don't think he's been watering these plants - the soil is as dry as a bone.我想他没给这些植物浇水——土都干透了。These flowers are beginning to droop. You'd better water them.这些花开始蔫了,你最好给它们浇水Frequent watering is needed.需要经常浇水Water copiously to encourage rapid growth.大量浇水以促进快速成长。Mrs. Morrell reached for a loop of garden hose.莫雷尔太太伸手去拿绕成圈的花园浇水用的软管。Water the ground regularly to stop it from drying out.要定期往地上浇水,别让地面干透了。The plants should be fed and watered regularly.植物需要经常施肥和浇水Water the plant every week; don't allow the soil to dry out completely.每周给植物浇水,别让泥土干透了。We need to water the lawn/garden/plants.我们需要给草坪/花园/植物浇水I've asked Mary to water the plants for me while I'm away.我外出的时候请了玛丽帮我给这些植物浇水My next-door neighbor was watering her yard.我的隔壁邻居在给她的花园浇水In dry, centrally heated air, mist plants three or four times a week.在集中供暖的干燥空气条件下,每周要给植物用喷雾浇水三到四次。He was watering his tomatoes.他那时正在给番茄浇水Don't forget to water the plants.别忘记给植物浇水He sprayed water on the flowers in the morning.他早晨给花浇水Most house plants require regular watering.大多数室内盆栽植物需要定期浇水The plants should be watered every day for the first week and twice a week thereafter.这些植物第一个星期应该天天浇水,以后一周浇两次。The flowers need watering.这些花需浇浇水Plants in containers made of porous material, must be watered more often than those in plastic pots.种在透水性材料做的花盆里的植物,必须比种在塑料盆里的植物多浇水You should water plants either first thing in the morning or last thing at night.你要么早上起来给花草浇水,要么临睡之前浇。Last summer there was a drought, yet some people were still watering their lawns every day.去年夏天发生了干旱,然而仍有人天天给自己的草坪浇水Plants tend to die in hot weather if you don't water them.植物在炎热天气如不浇水容易枯死。They poured water over her to bring her to.他们向她身上浇水,使她苏醒过来。He went out to water the plants.他出去给植物浇水Water the plants often enough to keep the soil moist.经常给植物浇水,保持土壤湿润。Don't forget to water the flowers.别忘了给花浇水Water the young plants well, but don't swamp them.好好给这些幼苗浇水,但不要浇得太多。Many farmers use low-flying aircraft to water their crops.许多农场主使用低空飞机给庄稼浇水Americans seem to have a fetish for watering their golf courses.美国人好像特别热衷于给高尔夫球场浇水I hope she doesn't forget to water the plants.我希望她别忘了给植物浇水During the drought, residents were barred from watering their gardens, or washing their cars.在干旱期,禁止居民给花园浇水或洗车。Water the young plants carefully during dry spells.干燥无雨的时候要给幼苗仔细浇水




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