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词汇 洗澡水
例句 The addition of a few drops of lavender oil to your bath water aids relaxation.洗澡水里加几滴薰衣草精油有助于放松。They are always short of water to drink, much less to bathe in.他们的饮用水一直短缺,更别提洗澡水了。I eased my stiff limbs into the hot bath.我小心翼翼地把僵直的腿放进热洗澡水里。To relieve tight or scaly skin, add a teaspoon of fine oil to your bathwater.要舒缓紧绷或干涩粗糙的皮肤,在洗澡水中加一茶匙精制油。The bathwater was scalding hot.洗澡水非常烫。I relaxed in a nice deep bath.我泡在一大盆温暖的洗澡水里松弛筋骨。When the bath water started to cool I got out, dried myself off, and dressed.洗澡水开始变凉我就出来了,擦干身子,穿上衣服。The water was slightly cooler than a child's bath.水温比孩子的洗澡水稍凉。He drew her a bath.他为她放好了洗澡水In some areas, a limestone scum will form in the bath when you use soap.在某些地区,使用肥皂后洗澡水上面会形成一层石灰质浮垢。




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