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词汇 洗净
例句 Wash everything thoroughly to avoid contamination with bacteria.把所有东西彻底洗净,以避免细菌污染。Wash and core these apples for me, please.请替我把这些苹果洗净并除去核。I cleaned and filleted the fish.我把鱼洗净并切条。The bottle must be washed out after every experiment.这瓶子必须在每次实验后洗净Clean the cut and cover it to prevent infection.洗净伤口并包扎起来以防感染。The clean fruit is then dried and sugared.然后把洗净的水果控干并加糖。Clean the exterior of the car thoroughly before applying paint.在喷漆前要把汽车的外部彻底洗净These potatoes are sold ready sorted and washed, and can prove a great time-saver for the busy cook.这些土豆卖时已拣好洗净,对于赶时间做饭的人来说能节省很多时间。The spinach leaves should be washed in cold water.菠菜叶应当用凉水洗净After the shirt had been cleaned, its bright blue was washed out .衬衣洗净后,它鲜艳的蓝色被洗退了。Peter's Fish Market will scale, clean and fillet fish.彼得鱼市负责给鱼刮鳞、洗净、去骨。I washed and scraped the carrots.我把胡萝卜洗净削皮。It's a new conditioner. Simply shampoo your hair, towel dry, and spray it in.这是一种新的护发素,洗净头发,用毛巾擦干后,把它喷上去就可以了。Wash and core four large cooking apples.将四个菜用大苹果洗净去心。Rinse and slice the courgettes crosswise.将小胡瓜洗净并横切。Wash and dry the lettuce.将生菜洗净沥干。




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