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词汇 注释
例句 His note on this passage misinterprets the author's meaning.他关于本段的这条注释曲解了作者原意。Without the annotations, the diagram would be hard to understand.这个图表如果没有注释很难看懂。Miss Peabody was engaged in typing the appropriate notes.皮博迪小姐正忙着输入恰当的注释He wrote a few more notes on the board.他在黑板上又写了几条注释The article on alligators in the encyclopedia cross-references to the entry on crocodiles.百科全书中短吻鳄词条有参见鳄鱼词条的注释She had compiled pages of notes, but she had not yet gotten down to doing the actual writing.她已编写了数页注释,但还未开始真正意义上的写作。Consult the notes at the end of the book for further information.查阅书后的注释可了解更多信息。The book's introductory chapters include helpful glosses for/of many unfamiliar terms.这本书的开头几章包括了对许多陌生术语的有用注释The annotation of the book took him a lot of time.这本书的注释工作花了他很多时间。The list of offences is detailed, heavily footnoted, but also clear and coherent.列出的各项罪行不仅详尽、有大量注释说明,而且清晰、有条理。Many novels are published in paperback school editions with notes.许多小说以附有注释的平装学生版出版。Historians annotate, check, and interpret the diary selections.历史学家对这部日记精选进行注释、核对与解读。In the school edition of the book, the older and more rare words have been glossed.这本书的教学用版本对一些较古老和较生僻的词作了注释Many unfamiliar terms are glossed in the book's introduction.这本书的引言对许多陌生术语进行了注释I'll put a note at the bottom of the card.我会在卡片的下方写上注释First, the derived aspect has a choice of annotation type.首先,派生的方面可以选择注释类型。Read these notes carefully and keep them for future reference.仔细阅读这些注释并将其保留下来以备将来之用。The almanac includes cross-references to a map and timeline for each country.这本年鉴包括各国地图和大事年表的互见注释Difficult expressions are explained in the glosses at the bottom of the page.难以理解的词组在页脚都有注释These statements are accompanied by a series of explanatory notes.这些陈述后面有一系列解释性注释He annotated the text at several places.他在课文里加了几处注释The census figures are cross-referenced to more detailed information about each state.人口普查的数据有互见注释,可了解各州更详细的信息。There are explanatory notes at the front of the book.书前有解释性注释Please read the notes appended to each chapter.请阅读每一章节所附的注释The book is heavily cross-referenced.这本书有大量的互见注释




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