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词汇 conception
例句 He directed the project from conception to production.这个项目从构想到投产都由他指导。We now have a clearer conception of the problem.我们现在对这个问题有了更清楚的概念。The other fundamental consideration in the conception of a plan is function.在构思设计图时要考虑的另一个基本因素是功能。This cooling apparatus is the conception of a genius.这台冷却器是天才的杰作。Philosophers have written about the conception/idea of the self.哲学家们论述了自我的概念。The Catholic church teaches that life begins at conception.天主教会教导说生命始于受孕。His conception of human nature is skewed.他对人性的看法带有偏见。They have no conception of what women really feel and want.他们对女性真正的感受和需求一无所知。Sex identity is fixed at conception.在受孕时婴儿的性别就确定了。They have a clear conception of how the process works.他们对程序的运作方式有清晰的概念。The symphony is admirable in conception.这部交响乐的构思令人钦佩。Most movies take at least a couple of years from conception to release.大多数电影从构思到发行要一两年。I have no conception of what you mean.我不明白你的意思。I see him as someone with not the slightest conception of teamwork.我认为他丝毫没有团队意识。The vice of his conception is that it overlooks the serious consequences.他的想法的不足之处是忽视了严重的后果。The dramatist's conception was well rendered.剧作家的构思得到了出色的表述。Their conception of religion is heavily skewed.他们的宗教观带有很深的偏见。He has no conception of the problems we have to face. 他对我们必须面对的问题一无所知。The development of the city surpassed all conception.该城市的发展超过一切想象。A good novelist needs great powers of conception.出色的小说家需要有丰富的想象力。They had no conception of the magnitude of what they had undertaken.他们对自己所从事事业的重要性一无所知。She was with the band from its conception.从乐队创办开始,她就是其中的一员。One in seven women seeks medical help to aid conception.七分之一的女性寻求医疗手段帮助怀孕。We studied the automobile from its earliest conception.我们从其最初的构想著手研究了汽车。The study of astronomy gives you some conception of what the universe is like.学习天文学能使你对宇宙有所了解。An individual's self-conception often differs from the conception others have of him.一个人的自我概念常同旁人对他的看法不一。You have no conception of what her life is like.你完全不了解她的生活是什么样子。My conception of a garden was based on gardens I had visited in England.我对于花园的理解是以我在英国所参观过的花园为基础的。This drug can increase the chance of conception.这种药物可以提高怀孕的机率。His work is strikingly fresh in conception.他的作品构思非常新颖。He has absolutely no conception of the difficulties involved.他对涉及的困难一无所知。




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