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例句 She had conceived the idea of a series of novels.她产生了写系列小说这一想法。The garden was conceived of as an exterior room.花园被设计成一个户外房间。Sunset Boulevard was originally conceived by Wilder as an astringent satire on Hollywood.怀尔德最初是想把《日落大道》拍成一部对好莱坞的辛辣讽刺片。It's an ill-conceived attempt to re-invent the wheel.尝试重新发明轮子是考虑欠周的。He conceived it his duty to do so.他认为这样做是他的职责。Elvis conceived of himself as a ballad singer.埃尔维斯认为自己是民谣歌手。Ellis bristles at accusations that Berkeley's experiment is ill-conceived.埃利斯对有人指责伯克利的实验考虑不够周密感到气愤。Language may be conceived of as a process which arises from social interaction.可以这么认为,语言是由于社交而产生的一个过程。As conceived by the committee, the bill did not raise taxes.正如委员会所设想的那样,这条法案并未增加税收。I don't remember who initially conceived the idea.我记不得最初想出这个主意的是谁。The whole project was ill-conceived.整个项目计划不周。The plan was brilliantly conceived.这个计划设计得很高明。The intelligence service conceived a grand design to assassinate the War Minister.情报机构策划了一项暗杀陆军部长的重大计划。He conceived the plot for this film while he was still a student.他还是个学生的时候就已经构想出了这部影片的情节。In ancient times people conceived the earth as square.古时候人们以为地球是方的。When the writer conceived this role, he had a specific actor in mind to play the part.在构想这个角色时,作者心中已想好了饰演这个人物的具体演员。This character is conceived in reaction to Holmes.这个角色是为了对抗福尔摩斯而构思的。The system was conceived by a Swedish engineer.这个系统是一位瑞典工程师发明的。The young Edvard Munch conceived of a radically new approach to his art.年轻的爱德华·蒙克为他的艺术创出一种全新的表达方式。Who first conceived the idea of building nuclear power plants?是谁第一个想到建核能电厂的? The policy was ill-conceived and wrong-headed.这项政策规划不周而且判断失误。He conceived it his duty to help his deceased friend's family.他认为帮助亡友的家属是他的责任。These children conceived reading to be more of a meaning-related activity than did the others.这些孩子们把读书看作比其他事更有意义的活动。He has conceived a hatred for them that I didn't think he was capable of.他对他们心怀怨恨,我原以为他不会这样。The exhibition was originally conceived as a tribute to Scott's family.这个展览会最初是为了纪念斯科特家族而设计的。The exhibition was conceived by the museum's director.这次展览是由博物馆馆长构思设计的。The facilities had been conceived with families in mind.在构思设计这些设施时已把家庭考虑在内了。A Prices and Incomes policy was boldly conceived.一个有关物价与收入的政策被大胆地构想出来了。The ancients conceived the earth as afloat in water.古人认为地球飘浮在水里。They conceived of her as a genius.他们认为她是个天才。She conceived a dislike for her neighbor's son.她对邻居的那个儿子感到厌恶。Do you know exactly when you conceived?你知道自己怀孕的确切时间吗?The boy had been conceived on their honeymoon in Spain.他们的儿子是在西班牙度蜜月时怀上的。The script was conceived by him.剧本是他写成的。Progress was conceived as a staged development from magic to religion to science.人类进步被认为是从魔法到宗教再到科学的分阶段发展过程。




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