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词汇 conceive
例句 A mother who already has non-identical twins is more likely to conceive another set of twins.一个生过异卵双胞胎的母亲更有可能再怀上一对双胞胎。I cannot conceive why you paid out so much money.我不能理解你为什么付了这么多钱。He could not conceive that anything really serious could be worrying his friend.他想象不出能有什么非常严重的事情让他的朋友操心。I can't conceive why you did that.我想象不出你为什么干那事。It is almost impossible to conceive how it happened.几乎无法想象这是怎么发生的。I can hardly conceive what it must be like here in winter.我无法想象这里的冬天会是什么样子的。We conceive of the family as being in a constant state of change.我们认为家庭处于不断变化之中。He cannot conceive that he could possibly be wrong.他无法想象自己可能会出错。I don't know about you, but I cannot conceive of a home without electricity or water.我不知道你怎么想,但我是无法想象家里没电没水怎么行。He was immensely ambitious but unable to conceive of winning power for himself.他雄心勃勃,但是想不出自己能如何赢得权力。It is difficult to conceive of a society without money.很难想象一个没有货币的社会会是什么样。Deer usually conceive in November.鹿通常在十一月份怀胎。I just can't even conceive of that quantity of money.那么多钱,我根本都无法想象。I cannot conceive of anybody writing a play by sitting down and mapping it out.我想象不出有谁能闭门造车写出剧本。I simply could not conceive of a family of four living in such a small room?我简直不能想像一家四口住在这么小的屋里? I do not conceive of socialism as a fixed set of dogmas.我认为社会主义不是一成不变的教条。It's difficult to conceive of living on the moon.很难想像在月球上生活。I find the whole scenario hard to conceive.我感到整个场景都令人难以想象。It is difficult to conceive of a society in which nobody has to work.很难想象一个人人都不必工作的社会。When did scientists first conceive of space travel?科学家最初是什么时候设想出太空旅行的? We provide fertility treatment and genetic counselling for couples trying to conceive.我们为想要生育的夫妇提供不育治疗和遗传咨询服务。She was unable to conceive a child naturally and was offered fertility treatment.她因不能自然怀孕而接受不孕治疗。I can't conceive of his killing himself.我想象不出为什么他要自杀。I can't conceive of a reason for not supporting this policy.我想不出什么理由来反对这一政策。Many people can't conceive of a dinner without meat or fish.许多人无法想象正餐怎么可以没有肉或鱼。Kelpie was unable to conceive when we tried mating her with another dog in Norwich.我们用诺里奇的另一条狗给开尔比犬配种,结果它没能受孕。They no longer even conceive of using war or the threat of war to resolve their disagreements.他们甚至不再设想用战争或是战争威胁来解决分歧。Many women conceive through the use of a donor egg.很多女性使用捐赠的卵子怀孕。They can't conceive of themselves as ever being wrong.他们永远不会认为自己会出错。We conceive of ourselves as individuals.我们把自己看成独立的个体。




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