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词汇 波动
例句 The government will be a hostage to the whims of the international oil price.政府将因国际油价波动而受掣肘。Interest rates stayed within a relatively narrow band.利率在一个相对较小的范围内波动We try to adapt to peaks and troughs in demand.我们努力适应旺季和淡季的需求波动Stock and bond markets have gyrated in recent weeks.证券市场近几周波动很大。Even a minor fluctuation in the water temperature can affect the fish.水温即使有微小的波动也会对鱼类产生影响。The week's emotional turmoil had drained me.这一周情绪上的波动让我精疲力竭。Is there any way of avoiding fluctuations in coffee and tea prices?有没有办法可以避免咖啡和茶叶价格的波动He showed the price fluctuations in a statistical table.他用统计表呈现价格的波动情况。News of the corporate merger caused a sensation on the stock market.公司合并的消息给股市带来了一定的波动Price is a function of supply and demand.价格随供求关系的变化而波动Fluctuations in oil prices on the world market make it impossible for developing countries to plan ahead.国际市场油价波动使得发展中国家无法作长远的打算。In Brussels, the bourse closed little changed.布鲁塞尔的证券交易所收市,股市波动不大。Prices have fluctuated wildly in recent years.近几年物价波动得很厉害。The number of students can be subject to considerable fluctuation.学生的数量可能会波动很大。The price of vegetables fluctuates according to the weather.蔬菜价随著天气变化而波动The school, after a period of flux, is fulfilling its potential.这所学校,经过了一个时期的波动后,正在发挥它的潜能。The system allows currencies to fluctuate within certain limits.这一机制容许币值在一定的限度内波动The line of the lie detector began to dance.测谎器的线迹开始波动There have been wide fluctuations in oil prices in recent years.近年来石油价格有大幅度波动The decision caused ripples in the stock market.这一决定在股市引起了一阵阵波动The company's shares wobbled with the news of a foreign takeover bid.这家公司的股票由于外国公司收购的消息而波动There have always been slight oscillations in world temperature.全球气温一直在轻微波动People's body weight can fluctuate during the day.人的体重在一天之内可能会有所波动Sometimes central banks intervene to smooth out price fluctuations.有时候中央银行会出面干预平息物价波动These events call forth strong feelings.这些事件引起了强烈的感情波动We are used to exchange-rate fluctuations.我们习惯了汇率的波动The issue has caused a few ripples amongst islanders.这个问题在岛内居民中间引起了一些波动Oil prices fluctuated throughout the year.石油价格全年都在波动Don't worry about tiny fluctuations in your weight.不必担心体重的小幅波动If exchange fluctuations resumed, the government only had two more cards to play.如果汇率重新波动,政府还能采取的只有两个办法了。The calculations do not take into account any fluctuation in the share price.这些计算没有考虑到股价的波动These give some food for reflection on the nature of stock-price fluctuations.这一切促使人们去思考股票价格波动的本质。




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