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Renewed fighting has dashed all hopes of an early settlement.重新爆发的战斗使早日解决争端的希望化为了泡影。The accident has defeated all his hopes of winning.事故使他获胜的一切希望成为泡影。All hope of them winning the championship eventually bit the dust.他们赢得冠军的所有希望最终都成了泡影。The loss of his savings dashed his plan for a trip round the world.他的积蓄丢失了,这使他作环球旅行的计划成了泡影。All his hard work seemed to be going up in a puff of smoke.他所有的辛劳似乎都成了泡影。It only takes a minute for the football hopes of an entire country to crumble.仅用了一分钟,全国民众的足球梦想就化为了泡影。Our plan ended in smoke.我们的计划成了泡影。His hopes exhaled in empty smoke.他的希望化成了泡影。A car accident put paid to his chances of taking part in the race.一次汽车事故使他参加赛跑的机会成了泡影。Italy's championship hopes eventually bit the dust.意大利队夺冠的希望最后化为了泡影。Plans for a peace conference failed due to disagreement on who should be allowed to attend.由于在受邀人员一事上谈不拢,和平会谈的计划化为了泡影。The loss of his job knocked his plans into a cocked hat.他一失业计划便统统化作泡影。Without a scholarship, her dreams of college would go up in smoke.没有奖学金,她上大学的梦想就成为了泡影。That really knocked back any hope for peace.那的确使进一步的和平谈判成为了泡影。The catering arrangements for the conference fell through at the last minute.为大会提供餐饮服务的安排在最后一刻成了泡影。The team's chances to win went up in flames when their captain was hurt.队长受伤使他们球队获胜的希望成为泡影。The rain dashed our plans for hiking.下雨使我们的徒步旅行计划成了泡影。His illness was the deathblow to hopes for a trip to Europe.他的疾病使他欧洲之行的希望成为泡影。 |