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The whole legal process was telescoped into a few weeks.整个法律程序被缩短到几个星期。The legal to-ings and fro-ings could delay the start of the trial.繁琐的法律程序可能会使开审的时间推迟。We are taking advice on legal steps to recover the money.我们正在就追回该款项所需的法律程序咨询律师。Judges feared that showing the trial on television would trivialize the legal process.法官们担心,在电视上播映这次审讯会让人把法律程序视同儿戏。This prohibits the deprivation of life without due process of law.这禁止未经正当法律程序剥夺他人的生命。She couldn't get off the legal merry-go-round.她摆脱不了一系列的法律程序。 |