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These regulations do not have the force of law. 这些规定不具备法律效力。Due to irregularities, the election has been declared null and void.因为不合常规,这次选举被宣告不具法律效力。Is the contract legally valid?这份合同有法律效力吗?The court ruled that laws passed by the assembly remained valid.法庭判定,议会通过的法律仍然具有法律效力。Critics charged that this change would emasculate the law.批评者指责这一改变会削弱法律效力。The committee is of the opinion that the contract is not legally binding.该委员会认为这份合同不具有法律效力。The judge's ruling was based/founded on legal precedent.法官的裁决是基于具有法律效力的判例做出的。They argued that the email had no signature and therefore no legal status.他们认为电子邮件没有签名,因此没有法律效力。This sales offer is void where prohibited by law.这份销售报价单违规,不具法律效力。When does the contract become legally binding?这份合同什么时候产生法律效力?The agreement will be legally binding.这个协议将具有法律效力。Is this contract/ticket/agreement still valid?这份合同/这张票据/这份协议还有法律效力吗? |