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Obstructionism is generally most evident at the stage of implementing a law.蓄意阻挠一般在法律执行阶段特别明显。Attorneys are ethically and legally bound to absolute confidentiality.律师受职业道德和法律的约束,要绝对保密。The Act, due to come into force next week, codifies the immunity that has previously existed under common law.该法案将于下周开始实施,正式确立了之前习惯法中已经存在的豁免权的法律地位。The Lord Chancellor has said legal aid work is for juniors when they start out in the law.大法官曾说过,法律援助工作适合由初涉法律工作、年资较浅的律师来做。They followed neither the spirit nor the letter of the law.他们既不遵从法律的实质精神,也不理睬其字面意义。Legislators wrote a clause into the law that exempts nonprofit agencies.立法者在这项法律中写入一个条款,非营利机构可以免税。It's going to take more than a new law to make a dent in the city's drug crime. 要减少本市的毒品犯罪,仅靠一部新法律还远远不够。He swore an oath promising to uphold and protect the country's laws and constitution.他宣誓捍卫国家的法律与宪法。They went to prison because they violated the law.他们触犯了法律,因此坐了牢。The law clearly recognizes that a company is separate from those who invest in it.法律明确承认公司和投资者是分开的。The law invests the shareholders with legal rights.法律授予股东们以合法权益。It is within the jurisdiction of the state to make such laws.这个州有权制定此类法律。She was opposed to new laws to muzzle the press.她反对钳制媒体言论的新法律。The new laws are aimed at tackling unemployment.新法律旨在解决失业问题。The new law will be implemented in stages.新法律将分阶段实施。The law has no chance of being passed by the Senate.这条法律不可能在参议院得到通过。Tax-avoidance legislation does not contravene EU law.避税立法并没有违反欧盟法律。They didn't mind breaking the law because they believed the law was unjust.他们无所谓违不违法,因为他们觉得法律是不公正的。We must follow proper court/legal/parliamentary procedure.我们必须遵循恰当的法庭/法律/议会程序。The law was amended so that profits from drug dealing could be seized by the government.法律作了修改,以使政府能够没收贩毒所得的利润。The new law is likely to do irreparable harm in urban areas.新的法律可能会给市区造成不可弥补的损害。The Legal Services Ombudsman oversees the handling of complaints about lawyers in England and Wales.法律服务监察专员负责监督对英格兰和威尔士律师的投诉处理。This change in the law will give parents more freedom to influence their children's education.法律的这项变革使家长有更多影响孩子教育的自由。The operation has uncovered such backstreet dealing in stolen property that police might now press for changes in the law.这次行动破获了这样的地下销赃活动,现在警方可能会因此敦促修改法律。These reforms will abolish racially discriminatory laws.这些改革措施将彻底废除带有种族歧视的法律。The law made wearing seat belts in cars compulsory.坐车系安全带是法律强制规定的。He swore an oath promising to uphold the country's laws and constitution.他宣誓捍卫国家的法律与宪法。The law is silent on this difficult point.法律避而不谈这个难点。The book analyses why women kill and how the law treats them.这本书分析了女性为何杀人以及法律如何对待她们。The law provides for the appointment of a new official.这条法律对新官员任命进行了规定。She contends the new law will only benefit the wealthy.她认为这条新颁布的法律只会让富人受益。The wording of the law is highly ambiguous.这项法律的措词非常含糊。The new law represents an unjustifiable intrusion into the privacy of the individual.新法律是对个人隐私的无端侵犯。The government is considering new laws which will further restrict people's access to firearms.政府正在考虑制订新法律,以进一步限制人们拥有枪支。Rival groups have engaged in a war of words over the new law.对立集团之间围绕这项新法律展开了口水战。Britain's laws on homosexuality are hypocritical humbug.英国关于同性恋的法律尽是虚伪的空话。Many ministers seem to regard themselves as above the law.许多部长似乎认为自己可以凌驾于法律之上。When I was young, people had a healthy respect for the law.当我年轻的时候,人们比较关注法律。This law makes it illegal to smoke in public places.这条法律使在公共场所抽烟成了违法行为。The law came into effect on New Year's Day.该法律在元旦开始生效。 |