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词汇 法官
例句 The judge erred in giving his directions to the jury.法官给予陪审团引导这件事是错误的。The spectators hushed as the judge entered the courtroom.法官走进法庭时,旁听人员静了下来。The lawyer and judge conferred about the ruling.律师和法官就裁决进行了商谈。The judge excused the young man's fine because of the unusual circumstances.由于当时情况特殊,法官豁免了那年轻人的罚款。Inadvertent disclosures by judges sometimes offer an extraordinary glimpse of the legal system's underbelly.法官无意中透露的一些情况有时能见微知著地揭示出司法制度的薄弱之处。What's the correct etiquette when addressing a judge?称呼法官时,正确的礼节是什么?The judge sentenced him to prison.法官判他入狱。The judge directed the jury to disregard several of the attorney's comments.法官要求陪审团不要考虑律师的一些评论。The judge reduced the charge to second-degree murder.法官将指控降为二级谋杀。The judge told him not to ask the witness leading questions.法官让他不要问证人诱导性问题。The judge's antagonism towards the defendant was clear to everyone.人人都知道法官对被告怀有敌意。People say the judge had been bought by the Mafia.大家都说法官被黑手党收买了。Before passing sentence , the judge commented on the seriousness of the crime.宣判之前,法官先陈述了这起犯罪的严重性。The concurrence of all three judges was that the man was guilty.这三位法官都一致认为那人是有罪的。The judge's decision went against us.法官的判决对我们不利。The judge is a trained legal officer; the jurors are lay people.法官是受过专门训练的司法官员,陪审员则不是专业人员。Judge Roberts' comments provoked a furious public response.罗伯茨法官的评论让公众狂怒不己。The judge kept nodding in agreement.法官不断点头表示赞同。The judges delivered their opinions seriatim.法官们逐个发表了自己的看法。The judge imposed a life sentence on the defendant.法官判处了被告无期徒刑。She was told by magistrates she could now face prison.她从地方法官处得知她现在有可能面临监禁。The judge refused to grant him bail.法官拒绝他保释。The judge asked the witness to stand down.法官叫证人退席。The judge ruled in our favor.法官判定我方胜诉。The judge sentenced the murderer to the gallows.法官判杀人犯处以绞刑。Local magistrates are expected to respect the law and provide even-handed justice.人们希望地方法官能尊重法律,并主持公道。The judge overseeing the case ordered the documents to be produced.审查该案件的法官要求提交文件。The compassionate judge gave the young offender a light sentence.慈悲的法官从轻判处了那个年轻罪犯。The judge issued a summons.法官发出传票。The judge's ruling was based/founded on legal precedent.法官的裁决是基于具有法律效力的判例做出的。The lawyer asked the judge for a continuance.律师请求法官延期审理。They say the judge has a very short fuse.他们说这个法官脾气很火爆。The magistrate committed him to stand trial at the Bristol Crown Court.地方法官传唤他到布里斯托尔刑事法庭受审。The defendant stood up after the judge did. 法官起立后被告随之起立。The judge adjourned the hearing until next Tuesday.法官将听审时间推迟到下周二。The judge has a record of fairness and non-discrimination.这位法官公正不阿,历历可考。The judge appeared to nod off yesterday while a witness was being cross-examined.昨天一名证人接受盘问时,法官好像在打盹。The judge ordered a new trial on the grounds that evidence had been withheld.法官以隐瞒证据为由下令择期重审。The judge thanked the witness and allowed her to stand down.法官向证人表示感谢并允许她退席。The judge addressed counsel.法官向律师问了话。




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