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Dave strolled along the riverbank, enjoying the evening sun.戴夫沿着河堤漫步,欣赏落日。The tears flowed down his cheeks.泪水沿着他的面颊流了下来。We followed the path along the clifftops.我们沿着悬崖顶上的小路前进。They set out in a westerly direction along the riverbank.他们沿着河岸向西出发了。We climbed rather perilously down a rope-ladder to the boat below.我们冒着相当大的危险沿着绳梯爬到了下面的船上。Adrian cycled along the dusty road.阿德里安沿着满是尘土的路骑自行车。The Rolls Royce purred down the country road.那辆劳斯莱斯沿着乡村小路咕隆隆地开走了。We sailed down the Yellow River towards the open sea.我们沿着黄河向广阔的海洋顺流航行。Walk down Castle Street, admire our little jewel of a cathedral, then wonder at the castle.沿着城堡街走下去,欣赏我们视若珍宝的教堂,继而叹服于城堡的壮观。After dinner, they took a romantic stroll by the sea.晚饭后,他们浪漫地沿着海边散步。From Wrexham centre take the Chester Road to the outskirts of town.从雷克瑟姆市中心出发,沿着切斯特路到达市郊。On our walk along the river we passed thundering waterfalls and quivering aspens.我们沿着河岸散步,一路经过了雷鸣般的瀑布和摇曳的山杨树。She was speeding along the bypass, thinking about other things.她沿着绕行道快速行驶,心里想着其他事情。Let's drive out the old parkway.我们沿着这条熟悉的林荫道驶下去吧。We sailed northerly around the island.我们沿着小岛向北航行。Streetcars now clanked along the snowy streets.有轨电车当啷当啷地沿着积雪的街道驶过。After scoring the winning goal he almost danced along the road in his satisfaction and conceit.攻进致胜一球后,他带着满足而自负的神情几乎沿着马路跳舞。We set off once more, over a rough mountain track.我们沿着一条崎岖的山间小路再度出发。The policeman walked along the street, shining a torch into every car.警察沿着街走,拿手电筒把每辆车都照了一遍。They set off at a jog up one street and down another.他们开始沿着一条又一条的街道慢跑。When restoring the building, the first priority was to underpin the exterior walls by adding wooden supports along the foundations.修复这座建筑物时,首先要做的是沿着地基给外墙增加木支撑。Men were prospecting for gold along the river.男人们沿着河岸淘金。She sailed the Atlantic coastline.她沿着大西洋海岸航行。Just go down the road a little way.只有沿着这条路往前走一点点。I could see the bus labouring up the steep, windy road.我看到巴士沿着当风的陡坡艰难爬行。We drove up a narrow dirt road to their house.我们沿着一条窄窄的土路一直开到他们家。Heavy trucks ground down the road.重型卡车轧轧地沿着马路开过去。The bride walked down/up the aisle to the altar.新娘沿着过道走向圣坛。The augmentation of the army began along traditional lines.军队扩编是沿着传统路线开始的。We were crawling along the narrow steel lattice of the bridge.我们沿着桥上狭窄的钢制格架往前爬。He got stuck halfway up the rock face.他沿着岩壁爬到一半,被卡住了。The corridor runs down the middle of the building.走廊沿着大楼的中部延伸。We pottered along the riverbank, talking as we went.我们沿着河堤溜达着,边走边聊。A stream tumbles down the steep hillside.一条小溪沿着陡峭的山坡奔流而下。Reeds grew in clumps all along the river bank.沿着河岸长着一丛丛芦苇。A family of ducks waddled along the river bank.一群鸭子沿着河岸摇摇摆摆地走。Go down here and the bathroom's at the end of the corridor.沿着这儿走,浴室就在走廊的尽头。The plane flew low, following the bends of the river.飞机沿着河的弯道低飞。Both sides of the river can be explored on this circular walk.沿着这条环行线路走一圈,河的两岸就都可以看到了。It's so restful to meander along Irish country roads.沿着爱尔兰的乡间小路漫步是多么惬意。 |