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词汇 沿海
例句 Istanbul is a city on the sea.伊斯坦布尔是一座沿海城市。Intelligence reported enemy activity just off the coast.情报人员报告说敌军在沿海附近活动。The coastguard cutter cruised along the coast looking for smugglers.海岸警卫队缉私艇沿海巡逻搜寻走私犯。I used to stroll along the beach on Sundays.我过去常在星期天沿海滩散步。The ship was wrecked off the coast of Africa.那艘船在非洲沿海失事了。He has gone over to the coast for a few days.他已去沿海一带,要过几天才回来。Residents are up in arms about plans for a new road along the beach.居民们对沿海滩建新公路的计划非常愤怒。The couple walked hand in hand along the beach.这对夫妇手拉手沿海滩漫步。The hurricane wreaked terrible damage/destruction on coastal cities.飓风给沿海城市带来了巨大破坏。Alaska doesn't have any drilling sites off the coast, as far as I know.就我所知,阿拉斯加没有沿海钻井台。The storm surges have brought significant flooding to low-lying coastal areas.风暴潮造成沿海的低地洪水泛滥。There are many edible fruits growing wild in the coastal forest.沿海森林地区,有许多可食用的野生水果。The storm caused damage in many areas along the coast.这场风暴给沿海的许多地区造成了破坏。She promenaded her children along the seafront.她带着孩子们沿海滨马路散步。We spent the afternoon tootling along the coast.我们下午开着车沿海边缓缓行驶。The typhoon has brought torrential rain to the southeast coast of China.受台风影响,中国东南沿海普降暴雨。The pirates harried the towns along the coast.海盗抢劫沿海城市。The population is concentrated near the coast. 人口主要集中在沿海一带。She walked along the shingle.沿海滩粗砾散步。To prepare for war, the army is performing/conducting maneuvers off the coast.部队正在沿海进行军事演习,为战争做准备。The typhoon has made landfall in south-eastern China.台风已在中国东南沿海登陆。We drove up the coast for the weekend.我们周末开车沿海行驶。A lethal cocktail of pollutants is being poured into Scotland's coastal waters, according to Greenpeace.绿色和平组织称,一种会致命的混合污染物被倒进苏格兰的沿海水域。Efforts to staunch the spill of crude oil from a tanker off the north coast of Scotland are being held up by gale force winds.为阻止苏格兰北部沿海一艘油轮的原油泄漏所进行的堵漏工作因风暴天气而告中断。They came down from the mountains and crossed the coastal plain.他们从山上下来,然后穿过沿海的平原。The coastal cities of Liguria sit on narrow strips of land lying under steep mountains.利古里亚的沿海城市坐落在陡峭山脉下的狭长地带上。They live in a town along the coast.他们住在一个沿海的城市里。Lookouts were spotted all along the coast.瞭望哨被部署在沿海各点。We strolled along on the promenade eating ice creams.我们吃着冰激凌,沿海滨大道散步。The couple linked arms and set off along the beach.夫妇俩挽着手臂,沿海滩向前走。The heavy guns of the fleet bombarded the enemy's coastal positions.舰队的重炮袭击了敌人的沿海阵地。The ship was lost off the coast with all souls.这条船在沿海失事,船上的人全部遇难。The ship is currently aground off the Brittany coast.目前,这条船搁浅在布列塔尼沿海水域。These islands of the north-east coast can only be reached in small boats.东北部沿海的这些岛屿只有坐小船才能抵达。The Vikings attacked villages along the coast and set them on fire.北欧海盗袭击了沿海的村庄后将其付之一炬。The coast guard bases rescue units along the ocean shores.海岸警备队把营救小队分驻在沿海一带。The woods along the coast provide a good windbreak.沿海边的树木是很好的防风林。The coastal road had many twists and turns.这条沿海公路弯弯曲曲的。We took a walk along the seashore.我们沿海滨散步。The oil spill is causing problems for coastal fisheries.石油泄漏给沿海捕鱼业带来了问题。




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