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词汇 河水
例句 They diverted the river while they were building the dam.建坝时,他们让河水改道。The flooded river was subsiding rapidly.泛滥的河水退得很快。The river is high.河水水位偏高了。A breeze rippled the quiet waters.一阵微风吹皱了平静的河水It's easy to get a tummy upset from river water.河水很容易闹肚子。A whole valley was drowned when the river was dammed.河水被大坝拦住后,整个山谷都被淹没了。The racing river caused swirling eddies.湍急的河水形成了许多漩涡。The spillover from the adjacent river flooded the lower fields.附近河流涨出的河水淹没了低地。Water levels in the Roseau River have dropped for now but they're expected to crest some time in the next week.罗索河水位目前已经下降,但是预计下周某个时间会升到最高点。The building was right on the river and the water lapped the walls.建筑物就矗立在水中,河水轻轻拍打着墙壁。She was appalled to find that the river had risen to the doorstep.她发现河水已涨到门口,惊恐万分。Their neighbourhood is being inundated by the rising waters of the Colorado River.他们的居住区正在被科罗拉多河泛滥的河水淹没。David knelt, cupped his hands and splashed river water on to his face.戴维跪下身,用手捧起河水往脸上撩。The river has not flooded yet, but that does not mean the danger has passed.河水尚未泛滥,但这不等于说危险已经过去了。Noxious chemicals are found in the river water.河水里发现了有毒化学物品。The water sloshed around the bridge.河水在桥的周围荡漾。The restrictions on water usage have been lifted now that the river levels are normal.河水的水位已经恢复正常,因此用水限制被取消了。The water rose above the normal level.河水高出了正常水位。The logs rolled down the river.原木随着河水顺流而下。Rising rivers could inundate low-lying areas.上涨的河水可能淹没低洼地带。The whole town flooded when the river burst its banks.河水决堤,整个镇子都淹了。The river slows on the flat bottom.河水在平坦的河床上减慢了流速。There has been widepread flooding in Germany, and the rivers are still rising.德国多个地区遭遇洪水,河水仍在上涨。The tidal stream or current gradually decreases in the shallows.波涛汹涌的河水在浅水区逐渐平息了下来。The river had overflowed its banks.河水漫过了河岸。The Ventura river burst its banks, swamping a mobile home park.本图拉河的河水冲破堤岸,淹没了活动房区。The river is up.河水涨起来了。Environmentalists say that diverting water from the river will lower the water table and dry out wells.环保主义者称引流河水会导致地下水位下降和水井干枯。The river is polluted.河水被污染了。The river enters the sea near here.河水在这附近流入大海。Huge crocodiles lurk menacingly in the rivers.巨鳄虎视眈眈地潜伏在河水中。The river was beginning to run dry.河水开始干涸起来。Turkey plans to harness the waters of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers for big hydro-electric power projects.土耳其计划利用底格里斯河和幼发拉底河的河水开发大型水电项目。The river was brown and murky after the storm.暴风雨过后,河水变成了褐色,浑浊不清。The ground fell away in a broad sweep down to the river.转过一处大弯后,地面消失在与河水相接处。The river has overflowed its banks.河水漫过了河岸。Last summer the river dried up and you could walk right across it.去年夏天河水干涸了,你可以直接走过去。The rescuers put up sandbags to stop the overflow of the river.救援者堆起沙袋防止河水漫出。After the rain, the rivers inundated the fields.雨后,泛滥的河水淹没了农田。Parts of the road had been washed away by streams, but it was negotiable.部分路段已被河水冲毁,但仍可通过。




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