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词汇 河岸
例句 I lost my footing on the snowy bank and fell into the river.我走在积雪的河岸上脚下一滑,就跌入了河中。We could see people gathering down yonder by the riverbank.我们能看见人们向河岸那边聚集。They set out in a westerly direction along the riverbank.他们沿着河岸向西出发了。The stream burst its banks.小河的水漫过了河岸The swimmer finally gained the river bank.那人终于游到了河岸A lot of people take their family to have a picnic on the river bank.许多人都带着全家到河岸上去野餐。We sat on the riverbank and had a picnic.我们坐在河岸上吃了一顿野餐。A gently sloping bank led down to the stream.一道缓缓倾斜的河岸伸向小溪。The bank sloped down sharply to the river.河岸到河面的斜坡非常陡。Willows were planted along the river bank.沿河岸栽著杨柳。The banks of the river are bathed in pale moonlight.河岸沐浴在淡淡的月光之中。An unexploded bomb has been impacted into the bank of the river.一枚未爆炸弹陷入河岸We strolled along the river bank.我们沿着河岸漫步。The river had overflowed its banks.河水漫过了河岸She made a jump for the river bank.她跳向河岸A man was fishing on the opposite bank.一名男子在对面河岸上钓鱼。The city lay on both sides of an intervening river.那个城市坐落在一条穿过市区的河岸两侧。Tom slithered down the muddy bank into the water.汤姆连晃带滑地走下泥泞的河岸进入水中。The brooks were all running spang full to the very edge.小河中的水都涨得要溢出河岸了。As we travel south, the countryside begins to undulate as the rolling hills sweep down to the riverbanks.我们一路南行,乡间开始变得起伏不平,绵延的山峦一直延伸到河岸The banks of the River Holbeck are easily accessible to walkers and anglers.步行者和垂钓者要到霍尔贝克河的河岸非常方便。Tall, luxuriant plants grew along the river bank.河岸上生长着高大茂盛的植物。Torrential rain burst the banks of the river.大雨导致河岸决堤。The bank eased down to the water in a gently sloping stretch.河岸以平缓的坡度徐徐伸展到水边。He set off along the riverbank at a jog.他沿着河岸开始慢跑锻炼。The body floated on its back, bobbing against the riverbank.尸体仰面浮在水上,轻轻碰撞着河岸Its buildings are half-hidden behind grassy banks.它的建筑物半遮半掩在长满草的河岸后面。A family of ducks waddled along the river bank.一群鸭子沿着河岸摇摇摆摆地走。The riverside will be transformed into a promenade lined with cafés and restaurants.河岸将被改造成两旁是咖啡馆和餐馆的步行街。The rough rock walls were like the sides of a deep canal.凸凹不平的石墙就像一条很深的运河的河岸She climbed overboard and waded back to shore.她从船舷爬下,蹚水回到河岸The geese were strung out along the river bank.那些鹅沿河岸排成一列。Reeds grew in clumps all along the river bank.沿着河岸长着一丛丛芦苇。The sound of the river boiled along the banks.河水沿河岸潺潺流淌。I plunged in fully-clothed and pulled her to the river bank.我没脱衣服就纵身跳入水中,把她拖到河岸上来。These river banks have inspired poets for many centuries.多少世纪以来,这些河岸激发了诗人的灵感。The river washes against its banks.河水拍打着河岸He slithered down the muddy bank.他在泥泞的河岸上踉踉跄跄地走。On our walk along the river we passed thundering waterfalls and quivering aspens.我们沿着河岸散步,一路经过了雷鸣般的瀑布和摇曳的山杨树。The ivy sent trails down the steep bank.常春藤向陡峭的河岸下蔓生。




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