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词汇 河中央
例句 They floated the canoe out into the middle of the river.他们将独木舟漂浮到河中央He cast the line to the middle of the river.他把渔线抛向河中央Their boat had capsized in midstream.他们的船在河中央翻了。The city of Cork is built on an island in the centre of a river.科克城建在河中央的一座小岛上。Some of them got caught midstream by the tide.他们中的一些人被潮水困在了河中央I pushed the boat out into the middle of the river.我把船推到了河中央He turned in the water, guiding her away from the middle where the surging currents flowed.他在水中转过身来,引导着她离开水流汹涌的河中央




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