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词汇 没有胃口
例句 He had no appetite. That was a bad sign.没有胃口。这是个坏兆头。She had no appetite, and merely toyed with the bread and cheese.没有胃口,只是拨弄着面包和奶酪。I'm very concerned about Veronica. She looks so pale, and she has no appetite.我很担心韦罗妮卡,她脸色很苍白,而且没有胃口Diarrhoea can make you feel weak, as well as putting you off your food.腹泻会让人感到乏力,而且没有胃口He had lost his appetite and picked at his food.没有胃口,吃得很慢。The dog had no appetite and its eyes were dull.那只狗没有胃口,两眼暗淡无神。




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