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词汇 没有理由
例句 There is no reason why deaf people wouldn't lead perfectly normal lives.耳聋的人没有理由不过完全正常的生活。We have no reason to doubt the essentials of the girl's story.我们没有理由怀疑这个女孩描述的要点。Despite their arguments, I still saw no reason to abandon my agnosticism.虽然他们论据充足,但我仍觉得没有理由放弃不可知论。You got no call to chew me out.没有理由责骂我。The way I was treated gave me no cause for complaint.我得到的待遇让我没有理由抱怨。Campaigners say that there is no reasonable objection to women becoming priests.参加运动的人说没有理由反对女性当教士。There is no reason why these two functions should be mutually exclusive.这两种功能相互排斥实在是没有理由I must emphasize that there is no cause for alarm.我必须强调,没有理由惊慌。He had nothing to gain from lying so we saw no reason to disbelieve him.他撒谎也得不到什么好处,所以我们没有理由不相信他。There's no real cause for alarm.实在没有理由惊惶。There is no cause for alarm about the safety of drinking water.没有理由对饮用水的安全问题大惊小怪。There is no reason why a gifted aircraft designer should also be a capable pilot. In the same way, a brilliant pilot can be a menace behind the wheel of a car.杰出的飞机设计师没有理由一定也是个出色的飞行员。同样,一个优秀的飞行员或许会是个糟糕的司机。There is no reason why you should not continue with any sport or activity you already enjoy.没有理由停下你一直在进行的体育运动或活动。He's never lied to me before, so I have no reason to doubt his word.以前他从未对我说过谎,因此我没有理由怀疑他说的话。There is absolutely no reason for consumers to be panicking in any way, shape or form.顾客们绝对没有理由产生任何形式的恐慌。There is no ground for his complaints.没有理由抱怨。There's no reason for me to feel so blue.没有理由感到这么忧郁。There's no reason to doubt what she says.没有理由怀疑她说的话。I still have no reason to doubt his word.我仍然没有理由怀疑他所说的话。There is no reason to believe that people of every estate will support the political platform.没有理由相信社会各阶层的人都会拥护这个政纲。He could not reasonably have foreseen the consequences.没有理由预见到后果。You've no reason to reproach yourself, no reason to feel shame.没有理由自责,也没有理由感到惭愧。There's no excuse for not doing the work.没有理由不做这工作。This tiny crowd does not warrant such a large police presence.就这几个人,没有理由出动这么多警察。There's no reason why you can't have a perfectly normal child.没有理由不能拥有一个完全正常的孩子。We have no grounds for believing that the crisis will end soon.我们没有理由相信危机将会很快结束。I don't have a reason. I just don't want to go, full stop.没有理由,我就是不想去,不必多说了。You have no grounds for complaint. 没有理由抱怨。Those right-wing people who most honour their monarch see no reason for any apology.那些对君主最为尊崇的右翼人士认为没有理由作出道歉。He felt, with some justification, that he had been unfairly treated.他感觉自己受到了不公正对待也不是没有理由的。I have no reason to believe that she was lying to me.没有理由相信她在向我撒谎。There is no excuse for such inconsiderate behavior.没有理由可以做出如此不体谅他人的行为。I had no business being there at all.我根本没有理由待在那里。There seems no reason to doubt the sincerity of his beliefs.似乎没有理由怀疑他对于信仰的真诚。You have no cause to complain.没有理由抱怨。There's no reason to argue over such trifles.没有理由为了这些琐事争吵。You have no justification for criticizing him in that way.没有理由那样批评他。Ms Davis sees no reason to panic about the latest research.戴维斯女士认为没有理由对最新的研究感到恐慌。Environmentalists claim there is no reason to cull seals.环保主义者称没有理由对海豹进行选择性捕杀。Their governments have no reason to massage the statistics.他们的政府没有理由窜改统计数字。




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