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词汇 没有机会
例句 A gang of thugs was waiting for him round the back. He didn't have a chance.一伙暴徒在后面等着他,他没有机会了。I never got the chance to thank him for all his help.我一直没有机会谢谢他帮忙。I haven't had a chance to thank him yet.我还没有机会向他表示谢意。Spurs scored again, this time putting victory firmly out of their opponent's reach.马刺队又得分了,这下,对手再没有机会翻盘。Many people are opposed to the new law, but have had no opportunity to articulate their opposition.很多人不赞成这项新法律,但是却没有机会去表达他们的反对意见。She felt bad that she didn't get the chance to speak to him before he died.她在他去世之前没有机会和他说话,觉得很难过。He was disappointed not to have his day in court.没有机会发表意见,很失望。I haven't had a chance to unpack yet.我还没有机会打开行李。Once the plaster was dry there was no room for correction.一旦灰泥一干,就没有机会修改了。I didn't get a chance to speak to him.没有机会跟他说话。This latest defeat means that she's no longer a contender for the world title.最近一次失利意味着她已经没有机会争夺世界冠军了。The girl had no chance of escape.那女孩没有机会逃跑。We didn't get a chance to talk to her, but I wish we had.我们当时没有机会跟她谈,要是有机会就好了。He left in haste , so I didn't get a chance to talk to him.他走得很匆忙,所以我没有机会和他说话。I had not yet had the chance to bank the money.我还没有机会把钱存入银行。They left so suddenly, I didn't get a chance to say goodbye.他们突然走了,我都没有机会和他们说再见。There was no opportunity to ask anything more as the guards hustled us away.卫兵把我们推搡走了,我们没有机会再多问。Most refugee doctors never get the chance to practice medicine in British hospitals.多数去避难的医生永远没有机会在英国医院行医。I've been so rushed with work I haven't a chance to go anywhere.我工作一直很忙,因此没有机会去任何地方。Since the ultimatum was never delivered, I had no opportunity to read it.因为这个最后通牒始终未下达,所以我没有机会读到它。I was in meetings all morning and didn't get a chance to look at your proposal.整个上午我都在开会,没有机会看你的建议。She beat him to the punch by having her say before he had a chance to speak.在他还没有机会说话以前,她便抢先发了言。I wouldn't give a straw for his chances.他有没有机会,我根本就不在意。I didn't even have the chance to proofread my own report.我甚至没有机会校对自己的报告。Sadly, many students leave before they have the opportunity to achieve their potential.遗憾的是,不少学生还没有机会发挥自己的潜力就离开了。To be frank with you, I don't really think you have a chance.坦白对你说,我认为你没有机会This latest defeat means that she's now out of contention for the world title. 最近一次失利意味着她现在已没有机会争夺世界冠军了。We don't stand a chance.我们没有机会I bought the camera last year, but never had the occasion to use it.这台相机是我去年买的,可是一直没有机会使用。I haven't had a chance to open my mail yet.我还没有机会打开我的邮包。Everyone was shouting at me, and I never got a chance to defend myself.大家都朝我大喊大叫,我一直没有机会为自己辩解。He's got no show of winning.没有机会获胜。He did not get a chance to deepen his knowledge of Poland.没有机会更深入地了解波兰。I was denied the opportunity of learning French at school.我上学时没有机会学习法语。




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