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词汇 没有一个
例句 Not one of the students knew the answer.没有一个学生知道答案。None of my carefully-prepared jokes managed to raise a laugh.我精心准备的笑话没有一个能引大家发笑。Not one non-white has ever been selected to play for the team.没有一个非白种人曾入选球队。No one we interviewed spoke critically of the princess or her brother.在我们采访的人中没有一个人对公主或她的哥哥评头论足。It's a wonder no one got hurt.奇怪的是没有一个人受伤。Not a single man fell out in the long march.在长途行军中没有一个人掉队。So far none of the reformed drinkers has backslid.迄今为止这些改过自新的酒徒之中没有一个重染恶习的。The World Series is on tomorrow, does our coach have a game plan?明天就要打世界大赛了,教练有没有一个战略计划? For several seemingly interminable seconds no one spoke.有好几秒钟没有一个人讲话,这几秒似乎无限漫长。They lack a good strategy for winning the election.他们没有一个好的策略来赢得选举。Never before in modern history has one nation dominated the world so completely.在近代史上以前从来没有一个国家能够完全主宰世界。The train stopped in the middle of the night in Nogales. No one got on or off.半夜里火车停靠在诺加莱斯,没有一个人上下车。None of the characters in her novels have any redeeming features.她的小说中没有一个人物有什么可取之处。No one can alter the fact, ex post facto.没有一个人能在事后改变事实本身。None of the leaders seems very inspiring.那些领导看上去没有一个是有感召力的。She had cut herself off, and when David left her she had no one to turn to.她跟谁都不联系,所以戴维离开她之后,她没有一个人可以求助。We've gotten a couple of nibbles on our house , but nobody has made a serious offer for it yet.一些人对买我们的房子有兴趣,但还没有一个真谈价钱的。I have checked your answers and none of them are correct.我检查了你的答案,没有一个是对的。There were lots of people watching, and not one of them offered to help.站着旁观的有许多人,却没有一个人主动帮忙。The problem with your plan is that it doesn't have a clear focus.你的计划存在的问题是没有一个明确的中心。Until then, no member of the human race had ever been able to make a map of the whole world.那之前,没有一个人能绘制出世界地图。The beach was almost empty of people.海滩上几乎没有一个人。None of the solutions was entirely satisfactory.这些解决办法没有一个是让人感到完全满意的。He realized none of his schoolmates would come to his defense.他意识到没有一个同学会挺身为他辩护。The company has lost its way in recent years.最近几年该公司都没有一个明确的发展方向。We don't have a common yardstick by which to compare the two cases.我们没有一个共同的标准来比较这两种情况。No one person can take credit for the invention of writing.没有一个人可以说是他单独发明了写字。All the contestants were good, but none of them stood out.所有参赛者都很优秀,但没有一个是出类拔萃的。The arena was empty of spectators.竞技场内没有一个观众。No politicians seem credible these days.如今似乎没有一个政治家是可信赖的。Helen was always a difficult child. None of her teachers knew how to manage her.海伦这孩子总是很难对付,她的老师中没有一个知道怎样才能管住她。In a long list of characters there is not one case of miscasting.在长长的剧中人物表上没有一个角色分配得不恰当。None of these social problems is unique to this country.这些社会问题没有一个是这个国家所独有的。Realistically, there is never one right answer.说实在的,永远没有一个正确答案。The offices are still empty and lifeless.办公室里依然空空荡荡,没有一个人。Gretta was really hurt that none of her friends came to visit her in the hospital.没有一个朋友来医院看望格雷塔,她心里非常难受。Nobody that I spoke to doubted his sincerity as a politician.和我谈过话的人中没有一个怀疑他作为一个政治家的诚意。None of his schoolmates came to his defence.没有一个同学站出来维护他。The fact that there are no black officers in the entire regiment reveals that the army is not serious about its anti-discrimination policies.整个军团里没有一个黑人军官,这个事实揭示出军中的反歧视政策并不是认真的。Months went by without a nibble from potential employers.几个月过去了,没有一个潜在雇主表示有任何兴趣。




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