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例句 The captain remained composed throughout the raging storm.船长在暴风骤雨中始终泰然自若。Snowflakes are composed of conglomerated ice crystals.雪花是由一簇簇的冰晶组成的。His outward manner remained composed.看得出他的举止仍是镇定自若。The melody that ran through his brain was composed of bad notes.回荡在他脑海里的旋律都走调了。The children will now play some pieces that they composed themselves.孩子们现在要演奏几首自己谱的曲子。The committee was composed entirely of specialists.该委员会完全由专家组成。It wasn't the peaceful, composed experience I had expected.这不是我所期待的祥和平静安宁的体验。The jury was composed of nine whites, one Hispanic, and two Asian Americans.陪审团由九个白人、一个西班牙裔美国人和两个亚裔美国人组成。It was several minutes before he felt composed enough to speak to anyone.过了几分钟后他才平静下来,觉得能和别人交谈了。Anger appeared on her usually composed face.她平素安详的脸上出现了怒容。The new technology is revolutionising the way music is played, composed and studied.这项新技术正在改革演奏、制作和研究音乐的方法。Cirrus clouds are composed of ice crystals.卷云是由冰的结晶体构成的。Air is composed mainly of nitrogen and oxygen.空气主要由氮和氧构成。He sat down and composed a letter of resignation.他坐下来写了一封辞职信。The force would be composed of troops from NATO countries.部队将由来自北大西洋公约组织成员国的军队组成。Beethoven composed his greatest works in the latter part of his life.贝多芬在晚年创作了他最杰出的作品。Minorities composed about a third of the attendees at the conference.少数族裔约占到与会人员的三分之一。He composed some of the most sublime symphonies in existence.现存的最令人惊叹的交响乐中有些是由他创作的。Mozart composed his first symphony when he was still a child.莫扎特还是小孩子的时候就创作了他的第一部交响曲。He was pale but perfectly composed.他面色苍白,但十分镇静。Glass composed the music for Cocteau's movie.格拉斯为科克托的电影配乐。The song was specially composed for their wedding.这首歌是特地为他们的婚礼而创作的。Barrington has composed the music for a new production of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'.巴林顿为新版的《仲夏夜之梦》谱写了曲子。Houses, lawns, and trees composed a very pleasant street.房屋、草坪及树木组成了一个环境非常宜人的街区。He composed both vocal and instrumental music.他既谱写声乐曲也谱写器乐曲。The force would be composed of troops from NATO countries.这支军队将由来自北约国家的部队组成。The drawing is beautifully composed.这幅画的构图很美。The human body is composed of billions of tiny cells.人体由数十亿微小的细胞组成。I still can't trust myself to remain composed in their presence.我仍然不放心自己能否在他们面前保持镇静。Laura was very calm and composed.劳拉非常沉着冷静。The south garden at Sissinghurst was composed symmetrically.锡辛赫斯特南面花园的布局工整对称。She looked remarkably composed throughout the funeral.她在整个葬礼中表现得异常平静。Water is composed of the elements hydrogen and oxygen.水是由氢和氧两种元素组成的。Bach composed some splendid stuff.巴赫创作了一些极出色的乐曲。Pictures should be in focus, with realistic colours and well composed groups.照片应该图像清晰,颜色逼真,构图合理。He appeared very composed despite the stress he was under.尽管压力很大,他看起来仍十分镇定。He composed himself as best he could.他竭力使自己镇静下来。She quickly composed herself as the car started off.汽车启动后,她迅速平静了下来。The document composed in Philadelphia transformed the confederation of sovereign states into a national government.在费城起草的这份文件使具有独立主权的各州组成的邦联变成了国家政府。She composed the soundtracks to several hit movies.她曾为几部热门影片配乐。




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