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词汇 水龙头
例句 She repaired a leaky faucet.她把漏水的水龙头修好了。When I turned on the tap a brownish liquid came out.我打开水龙头,一股褐色的液体慢慢流出来。She turned off the faucet and dried her hands.她关上水龙头,把手擦干。A quick scrub with a soft brush under the tap is enough.用柔软的刷子在水龙头下快速擦洗就够了。Turn the water/TV on.打开水龙头/电视。The taps appeared to be made of solid gold.水龙头似乎是用纯金制成的。Water was dribbling out from the tap.水在从水龙头里滴落下来。The water/The bath is running over - quick, turn the taps off.水/洗澡水溢出来了——快,关掉水龙头He stuck his head under the faucet.他把头伸到水龙头的下面。I rinsed the mud out under the tap.我在水龙头下把泥巴冲掉。She went in the bathroom and turned on the tap.她走进浴室,打开了水龙头Some idiot left the tap running in the bathroom and there's water everywhere.哪个白痴忘了关浴室的水龙头,水流得到处都是。He turned off the water and left the dishes to soak.他关上水龙头,让盘子浸泡在水中。I ran a sink full of cold water.我打开水龙头给一个水槽注满冷水。Showers, like taps, are classed as fixtures and fittings and not part of the hot water and central heating system.喷头和水龙头一样,都归类为固定装置与配件,而不归入热水和中央供暖系统。He bent down and sluiced his head under the tap.他弯下腰在水龙头下冲洗脑袋。Someone left the tap running.有人让水龙头一直开着空流。Go and turn the tap off before the bath overflows.去把水龙头关上,别让浴缸里的水溢出来。The rusted taps coughed when turned.生锈的水龙头拧动时咔咔作响。Is the faucet dripping again?水龙头又滴水了吗?She bent her mouth to the tap and drank the tepid water.她把嘴伸到水龙头底下去喝那微温的水。Someone has left the tap running.有人让水龙头一直开着。A tap in the kitchen was dripping.厨房的水龙头在滴水。Connect the hose pipe to the tap.把软管接到水龙头上。Who left the faucet running?谁没关上水龙头让水在流?Don't leave the tap running.别让水龙头不停流水。He left the tap open to fill the kitchen sink with water.他将水龙头开著让厨房的水槽注满水。They heard him running the kitchen tap.他们听见他打开了厨房里的水龙头You'd turn on the water, and it would shoot straight up in the air.你若打开水龙头,水会直往上喷。They devised a hose that conveys water from sink faucets to containers.他们设计了一种软管,将水从水龙头引入盆中。Turn on the outside tap, will you?打开外面的水龙头,好吗?The tap was dripping.水龙头在滴水。She opened the faucet and the water began to flow freely.她打开水龙头,水就哗哗流出来了。I washed my hands under the kitchen tap.我在厨房水龙头下洗了手。Make sure you turn off the tap before you disconnect the hose.在拔水管前,一定要先把水龙头关上。I wet/wetted a sponge under the faucet.我在水龙头下把海绵弄湿。The water from the faucet was cloudy.水龙头里流出的水很混浊。Don't leave water running to clean vegetables.洗菜时不要开着水龙头让水直淌。The top of the tap has come loose.水龙头的上端松了。He gave the tap a firm twist, and the dripping stopped.他拧紧水龙头,水不再滴漏了。




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