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词汇 complicate
例句 The day's events, he said, would only complicate the task of the peacekeeping forces.他说白天发生的事件只会使维和部队的任务更为复杂。The other options simply complicate the situation and could land him with more expense.其他办法只会使情况复杂化,而且可能给他带来更大花销。Any decision taken by them now, however well meant, could complicate the peace process.现在他们作的任何一个决定,不管本意多么好,都可能使和平进程复杂化。To complicate matters further, his train is running late. 更糟的是,他搭乘的火车晚点了。To complicate matters further, everybody's vitamin requirements vary.更麻烦的是,每个人对维生素的需求量是不同的。This only served to complicate the situation further.这只是使得局面更加复杂。Bad weather continues to complicate efforts to deal with oil spilling from the tanker.恶劣天气使得油轮溢油的处理工作更为复杂。Far from helping the situation, the new regulations are likely to complicate matters.新条例的实行非但于情况无益,反而可能使事情更为复杂。Sorry, I didn't mean to complicate things.对不起,我并不想把事情弄复杂。There is no need to complicate matters.没有必要使事情复杂化。Let's not complicate matters by introducing any more restrictions.我们不要再采用更多的限制把事情复杂化了。These events will greatly complicate the situation.这些事件将使局势变得极其复杂。Bureaucracy spawns many rules that complicate our life.官僚主义产生了许多使我们生活复杂化的条条框框。Changing jobs now would complicate her life.现在换工作会使她的生活更加艰难。I don't need a boyfriend - they just complicate your life.我不需要男朋友,他们只会把我的生活变得复杂。To complicate matters further, the law on this issue has been changed.使情况更复杂的是,关于这个问题的法规也改变了。It will only complicate the situation if we invite his old girlfriend as well.如果我们同时也邀请他以前的女友,只会使事情更加复杂。




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