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词汇 水准
例句 Educational standards are degenerating year by year because of a lack of funds.由于缺乏资金,教育水准连年下降。His early works were promising, but his recent films haven't measured up. 他早期的作品初露锋芒,但他近期的电影有失水准Government officials are claiming that the health care available here is of a much higher standard than in neighbouring countries.政府官员声称本国的国民保健水准比邻国的高得多。The aim is to improve services at both the local and national level.目的在于提高地方和全国的服务水准Air France has maintained a high level of service for many years.多年来法国航空公司的服务一直保持着很高的水准Expenditure raced up and up to an unprecedented level.支出费用一再急剧上升,达到前所未有的水准Students were sent home if their behaviour fell below an acceptable standard.如果学生们的行为举止低于可接受的水准,他们就会被送回家。His lecture accused the BBC of going downmarket in search of mass audiences.他在演讲中指责英国广播公司为了吸引普通受众而降低水准In the seventies the U.S. space program seemed to have reached a plateau of development.七十年代美国的宇宙空间计划似乎发展到了一个较高的水准It is a source of embarrassment to Londoners that the standard of pubs is so low.酒馆水准之低让伦敦人觉得颜面尽失。The standard of service has gone right down since the company was privatized.这家公司私有化之后,服务水准就降低了。No other executive car can offer you the same level of standard equipment at this price.再无其他高级轿车能按这个价格水平为你提供同样水准的标准配置。There was a lack of professionality in the work.这项工作缺乏专业水准The restaurant's standards of excellence have won it several awards.这个饭店卓越的水准为其赢得了多个奖项。The report should set alarm bells ringing about standards in education.这份报告应该为教育水准的问题敲响警钟。The committee is assessing the standard of care in local hospitals.委员会正对当地医院的护理水准进行评估。The work has been done to a professional standard.这项工作已经达到了专业水准His performances could charitably be described as below par.他的表演可以婉转地说成是有失水准She conducted herself as a professional and earned the respect of her coworkers.她表现得很有专业水准,赢得了同事们的尊敬。The performances by the actors were not up to snuff.演员们的表演有失水准This just shows how the standard of reporting has declined over the past ten years.这正说明了过去十年里新闻报道的水准在下降。The quality of the food never rises above average.这种食品的质量从未超越过普通水准The other stories don't quite match up to the high standard of the first.其他故事都不像第一个故事那样有那么高的水准I have to say that the standard of play was abysmal.我得承认比赛中表现出的水准太糟糕了。The essay didn't come up to his usual standard.这篇文章有失他的水准A broad and balanced education is an imperative for raising standards.为提高教育水准,推行广泛和均衡的教育是当务之急。He played brilliantly for the first set but then went rather off the boil.他第一盘表现得非常出色,但接下来就有失水准了。It is a very high quality production, brilliantly written and acted.其制作水准很高,剧本和表演都很精彩。The general standard of the entries was very high.参赛作品的总体水准非常高。He was criticized for his unprofessionalism.他由于缺乏专业水准受到批评。The paintings looked amateurish.这些画作看起来只具备业余水准He pitched the level just right.他把水准定得刚刚好。Their team slumped in yesterday's match.他们球队在昨天的比赛中大失水准They run it with a truly professional but personal touch.他们的经营既有真正的专业水准又不乏个人特色。The level of competence among hospital staff was not as high as expected.医务人员的水准没有期望的那么高。We must halt this decline in standards.我们一定要阻止水准的下滑。Standards have slipped in the past few months, and we have to try and improve our performance.最近几个月水准下降了,我们得好好改善表现。Standards are slipping in this hotel.这家旅馆的水准在下降。She has learned to trust her craft and professionalism.她学会了相信自己的技艺和专业水准Our first priority is to maintain the standard of work.我们的首要目标是保持工作的水准




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