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词汇 毫无疑问
例句 After deceiving us all like that, she went away, no doubt very pleased with herself.她就那样骗了我们,然后逃之天天,毫无疑问,她对此一定非常得意。El Cid's actual existence is not in doubt.民族英雄埃尔•熙德的确存在,这毫无疑问It's a recipe for disaster if ever there was one.毫无疑问会造成灾难性的后果。Unemployment undoubtedly increases the number of those tempted into crime.失业问题毫无疑问使犯罪人数增加。There was no doubt but that the poor girl had committed suicide.毫无疑问那个可怜的女孩自杀了。He absolutely blitzed his rivals.毫无疑问,他迅速轻松地击败了对手。There is no doubt that this new type of tyre represents a major advance in road safety.毫无疑问,这种新轮胎意味着道路交通安全方面的一大进步。It's indisputable that the book is a masterpiece.毫无疑问这本书是一部杰作。There's no doubt that he's in the right on this.毫无疑问,在这个问题上他是正确的。There was no mistaking the mocking glitter in his eyes.毫无疑问,他的眼睛里流露出讥讽的神色。There was no doubt he was serious, it wasn't just playing around.毫无疑问他很认真,那可不是闹着玩的。There is no doubt it was an accident and I bear no grudges.毫无疑问这是一场意外,我没有怨言。Surely anyone with marketing gumption should be able to sell good books at any time of year.毫无疑问,有销售才能的人一年中任何时节都应该能够卖掉好书。It was without a shadow of a doubt the best we've played.毫无疑问这是我们表现最出彩的一次。The pathologist's phraseology would be different but his meaning undeniably clear.病理学家的措辞会不同,但毫无疑问他的意思很清楚。There is no doubt that the Lungshan generally postdates the Yangshao culture.毫无疑问,龙山文化一般发生在仰韶文化之后。The next few days will undoubtedly prove crucial.毫无疑问,以后的几天将很关键。One day he'll realize that I was right, as sure as eggs is eggs.毫无疑问,他总有一天会认识到我是对的。He should get an uncontested lead.毫无疑问,他会获得领先。She was surely the most distinguished queen consort we have had.毫无疑问她是我们拥有的最为出众的王后。There is little doubt that access to education in this country is highly unequal.毫无疑问,在这个国家接受教育的机会是极不平等的。There is little doubt that our public sports facilities are underused.毫无疑问,我们的公共体育设施没有得到充分利用。This fellow was a queer cove and no mistaking.毫无疑问,这个家伙很古怪。The indisputable fact is that computers carry out logical operations.毫无疑问,计算机执行的是逻辑运算。Without the slightest doubt this is a remarkable exhibition.毫无疑问,这是一次成功的展览会。She was close to both of her parents and was undeniably shaken by their divorce.她和父母的关系都很亲近,因此毫无疑问,他们的离婚对她打击很大。Undoubtedly, they will award the grandmother of Russian music a standing ovation or two.毫无疑问,他们会用一或两次长时间起立鼓掌向这位俄罗斯音乐界的女前辈致敬。Surely everyone knows how to change a light bulb!毫无疑问人人都知道怎么更换灯泡!Doug's achieved a lot with very limited resources. There's no doubt that he's a one-off.道格以很少的资源完成了很多事情,毫无疑问他是个难得的人才。Let there be no doubt that this was an attack on the whole community.毫无疑问,这是对全体大众的攻击。Undoubtedly Fire Giants are personifications of volcanic subterranean powers.毫无疑问,火巨人是火山埋藏在地下的力量的人格化形象。The integrity of the judge is unquestioned.这位法官的正直是毫无疑问的。There is no doubt that, in absolute terms, it has been a success.毫无疑问,从绝对意义上讲,这是一次成功。He was the obvious candidate/choice for president.他是毫无疑问的总统候选人/最合适的总统人选。Doubtless she'll drop her cargo on Mauritius.毫无疑问,她会在毛里求斯卸货。This is without a shadow of a doubt the best movie I've seen all year.毫无疑问,这是我整年来看过最好的一部电影。There is no question that Maridan had known all about the deal.毫无疑问,马里丹知道交易的所有情况。There is no question that Napoleon's doctors hastened his death.毫无疑问,拿破仑的医生加速了他的死亡。Of course the ultimate responsibility for the present conflict without doubt lies with the aggressor.当然,挑起事端的一方毫无疑问应对目前的冲突承担首要责任。There is no doubt now that her marriage is beyond repair.毫无疑问她的婚姻无法挽救。




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