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词汇 毒品贩子
例句 The government is increasing pressure on drug-traffickers.政府正在向毒品贩子施压力。Professional drug pushers moved in and organized the trade.职业毒品贩子强行插手,操纵了这种买卖。 He plays a drug-dealing psycho in the movie.他在电影中扮演一个精神变态的毒品贩子Street children in this part of the world often fall prey to drug dealers.这个地方的街头流浪儿童常常落入毒品贩子的魔掌中。They aim to clear every dealer from the street.他们打算把街上所有的毒品贩子都清走。The dealers buy raw cocaine in the south, refine it here, and smuggle it into the north.毒品贩子在南部买进原始古柯叶,在此地提炼成可卡因,然后私运到北部。Teenagers are easy prey for unscrupulous drug dealers.青少年很容易被不择手段的毒品贩子蒙骗。He was accused of purchasing cocaine from an Indianapolis drug dealer.他被控从一名印第安诺波利斯的毒品贩子手中购买可卡因。Dealers are openly plying drugs in school playgrounds.毒品贩子公然在校园操场上兜售毒品。Drug traffickers refuged in these border areas.毒品贩子在这些边界地区躲避。Acting on a tip-off, the police arrested the drug dealers.警方根据密报采取行动,逮捕了毒品贩子He is a drug peddler.他是个毒品贩子You get dope dealers on every corner.到处都是毒品贩子This street is a major hangout for junkies.这条街是一个毒品贩子的主要聚集处。He was murdered at a presidential rally by gunmen in the pay of drug traffickers.他在一场总统竞选集会上被毒品贩子雇用的枪手谋杀了。Murderers and drug dealers are the dregs of society.杀人犯和毒品贩子都是社会的渣滓。Lister's dead. Ditto three Miami drug dealers.利斯特死了。三个迈阿密的毒品贩子也死了。Drug dealers face severe penalties.毒品贩子面临严厉处罚。The club has achieved a certain notoriety as a meeting place for criminals and drug dealers.这家俱乐部因成为罪犯和毒品贩子的聚集地而小有恶名。The gunman had mistaken him for a drug dealer.枪手把他误认成毒品贩子People who have fingered crack houses and fingered drug dealers have been assassinated.那些告发可卡因毒窟和毒品贩子的人遭到了暗杀。Homeless young people are easy prey for drug-dealers and pimps.无家可归的年轻人很容易成为毒品贩子和皮条客的猎物。There's been a lot of stress on getting drug sellers off the streets.清除街上的毒品贩子是一项一直受到强调的任务。Police have gained the upper hand over the drug dealers in the area.警方在与该地区的毒品贩子的较量中占据了上风。They were arrested for supplying drugs to street dealers.他们因向街头毒品贩子提供毒品而被逮捕。Investigators believe Dailey was a dupe for international drug smugglers.调查人员认为戴利只是被国际毒品贩子所利用的工具。Drug smugglers can expect severe penalties.毒品贩子会受到重判。Drug traffickers have used the country as a conduit for shipments to the U.S.毒品贩子利用该国作为把毒品运往美国的通道。The police are finally getting wise to how drug dealers work.警方终于发现了毒品贩子的活动方式。I hold the utmost contempt for the country's drug peddlers.我极度蔑视这个国家的毒品贩子




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