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词汇 competing
例句 For some people, competing is the be-all and end-all of their running.对于有些人来说,赛跑的全部意义就是竞争。His rival was not fooling but competing with him for keeps.他的对手不是在跟他闹着玩儿,而是一本正经地跟他竞争。Thousands of applicants are competing for the same job.数千名应聘者竞争同一个职位。We'll be competing against the best companies in Europe.我们要和欧洲一些一流的公司竞争。The Web site allows consumers to make direct comparisons between competing products.在这个网站上消费者可以对同类产品进行直接比对。Her dream of competing in the Olympics became a reality. 她参加奥运会的梦想变成了现实。Several advertising agencies are competing to get the contract.几家广告公司在竞争这份合同。Fujitsu, Hitachi, and NEC are competing with US firms to build the world's fastest supercomputer.富士通、日立和日本电气在与美国公司竞争,以建造世界上最快的超级计算机。Western suppliers too are competing avidly for business abroad.西方国家的供应商也在疯狂抢夺国外商机。We are competing with companies that are twice our size.我们正和规模比我们大一倍的公司竞争。The big companies are competing fiercely on price.大公司在打激烈的价格战。Some of the world's greatest athletes will be competing in the Olympic Games.世界上一些最杰出的运动员将参加奥运会的比赛。The stores will inevitably end up competing with each other in their push for increased market shares.在努力争取更大的市场份额的过程中,这些商场最终将不可避免地相互展开竞争。The companies are competing for dominance in the market. = The companies are competing for market dominance.各公司正在竞争市场主导地位。Members of the Colombian team were competing stateside at the time.当时,哥伦比亚队正在美国比赛。Earlier this year, he achieved his ambition of competing in the Olympic games.今年早些时候,他参加了奥运会,得偿夙愿。Henderson will be competing against a very strong field today.亨德森今天将与很强的对手同场竞技。We're competing with foreign businesses.我们在和外国公司竞争。He is competing against the best of the best.他正在和顶尖高手较量。The radio and the television were both on, competing for our attention.收音机和电视机都开着,争相吸引我们的注意力。They talked about the competing theories of the origin of life.他们讨论了几种相互矛盾的生命起源理论。A turf battle among competing drug cartels has claimed several lives.贩毒团伙之间争抢地盘使得好几人丧生。She works as an arbitrator between representatives of various competing businesses.她在各家相互竞争的公司的代表之间担任仲裁人。The stars of the future are competing this month.未来之星们将在本月展开角逐。We are competing in a market that is shrinking fast.我们在争夺迅速萎缩的市场。Athletes competing in the tournament will be tested for illegal drugs.参加锦标赛的运动员们将进行违禁药物检测。New immigrants tend to undercut the old by competing for the same jobs.新移民常以较低的工资与老移民抢饭碗。The polytechnics have hitherto been at an unfair disadvantage in competing for pupils and money.到目前为止,理工专科学校在争取生源和资金方面一直处于劣势。Two entrants have backed out of competing in the regatta.两位报名参加划船比赛的运动员已宣布退出。They found themselves competing with foreign companies for a share of the market.他们发现自己在与外国公司争夺市场份额。Government departments often found themselves competing for scarce resources.政府各部门经常会发现他们之间在为紧缺的资源而相互竞争。The campaign has highlighted differences in seat pitch between competing airlines.宣传活动突出了相互竞争的航空公司之间在座椅纵距上的差异。He'll be competing against the world's best.他将和世界上最优秀的人才较量。I love competing. I'm completely addicted.我热爱竞争。我完全上瘾了。There's a mass of competing anti-virus programs you can choose from.有各种相互竞争的反病毒程序可供你挑选。After years of competing, she has maxed out her potential as an ice-skater.经过多年比赛,她已经充分发挥了溜冰选手的潜能。How many runners will be competing in the marathon?会有多少人参加这次马拉松赛跑?The children were competing for the teacher's attention.孩子们争先恐后要引起老师的注意。She was disqualified from competing for a year after failing a dope test.因未能通过药检,她被禁赛一年。Athletes must undergo a mandatory drugs test before competing in the championship.运动员在锦标赛前必须进行强制性药检。




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