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词汇 每一步
例句 Every step of the last three miles was purgatory.最后三英里的每一步都是折磨。Peace could come only gradually, in carefully measured steps. Even then, it sounds almost impossible to achieve.和平只会逐渐到来,而且每一步都走得小心翼翼。即使那样,要实现和平听起来仍几乎不可能。Every step in the movie is easily predicted.这部电影的每一步都不难预测。He will find his every step more harshly spotlighted than has been the case previously.他会发现与以往相比,他的每一步都会吸引人们更加密切的关注。Every step was a torment to him.对他来说,每一步都是一种折磨。Every step of the way was fraught with peril.路途上每一步都危险四伏。We have complied with federal law every step of the way.整个过程中我们每一步都是符合联邦法律的。The cave echoed at every footstep.在山洞里走每一步都有回声。Each stage of the process incurs an additional risk.这个过程的每一步都会带来额外的风险。




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