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词汇 compensation
例句 He was paid a tax-free cash sum as compensation.给了他一笔免税的现金作为补偿。After he became blind his hearing has been keener in compensation.失明后,他的听觉作为代偿比原来灵敏了。The court awarded the victims millions of dollars in compensation.法庭判给受害者数百万美金作为赔偿。Linda's aggressiveness is just a compensation for her feelings of insecurity.琳达的争强好胜只是为了掩饰她缺乏安全感。Ask for an extra compensation payment to make up for the stress you have been caused.为补偿你为此承受的压力,你要申请额外的补偿金。You are entitled to compensation for unreasonable delays.你有权因不合理延误得到补偿。You can expect to receive compensation for all expenses arising out of the accident.由这次事故引起的所有费用你都有望获得赔偿。She got some compensation for damages.她的损失得到了一些赔偿。She is seeking compensation for the wrongs that she suffered as an employee at that company.她现在正就此寻求赔偿。Victims of crime may be able to obtain compensation.犯罪受害人可能会得到赔偿。Did you get any compensation when you were dismissed from your job?你被解雇时有没有拿到补助金? Tom gave me a new knife as compensation for the one he lost.汤姆给了我一把新刀,算是赔偿那把被他丢失的刀。The press has been justly critical of the delays in paying compensation.报界有理由对拖延支付赔偿的事进行批评。This is not the place to discuss compensation.现在不是讨论赔偿问题的时候。Anyone who has been the victim of unlawful arrest is entitled to compensation.任何人遭到非法逮捕都有权得到补偿。The amount spent on compensation claims has nearly doubled.花在索赔上的费用总额几乎翻了一番。The government cannot take private property for public use without compensation.政府征用私人财产必须赔偿。The judge dismissed their claim for compensation.法官驳回了他们的索赔要求。The company deducted this payment from his compensation.公司将这笔费用从他的赔偿中扣除。The company was not bonded in any way, so there is no compensation scheme.该公司没有任何形式的担保,因此没有赔偿方案。See if you can get some compensation from the airline for your lost baggage.看看你是否能因行李丢失而从航空公司得到些赔偿。The company deducted this payment from his compensation.公司从他获得的赔偿金中扣去了这笔付款。Lip-reading can act as compensation for loss of hearing.唇读可以弥补听力丧失的缺陷。This was only half the value, but it was not an illiberal amount of compensation in view of the circumstances.赔偿额仅是价值的一半,但考虑到实际情况,这也不少了。She had persevered in her claim for compensation.她坚持要求赔偿。They faced interminable legal hassles if they wanted to claim compensation.如果他们要求赔偿,就会面临旷日持久的法律纠纷。The government is wrangling with various groups demanding compensation.政府正在与要求赔偿的各方争论。They are seeking compensation/damages for their loss.他们正在努力争取损失赔偿。Free food was no compensation for a very boring evening.免费食物并不能弥补晚会的乏味无聊。All those who lost their jobs put in for compensation.所有失去工作的人都提出了赔偿的要求。At the moment, the law on compensation is very much a grey area.当时,有关赔偿的法律还非常不明确。The judge ordered the company to pay compensation to the claimant.法官责令该公司向原告支付赔偿金。The injured party got some compensation.受害人得到了一些赔偿。She is also claiming compensation for loss of earnings.她还要求赔偿收入损失。If the employee's complaint is upheld, an award of compensation will be made.如果这名员工的起诉获得支持,将予以赔偿。The toy glider she left him as a Christmas present was no compensation for her absence.她留给他作为圣诞礼物的玩具滑翔机并不能替代她的存在。The Government had a moral, if not a legal, duty to pay compensation.政府即使没有支付赔偿的法律责任,也有支付赔偿的道德责任。The company announced a double-barrelled investment and compensation plan.公司宣布了一项投资和赔偿双重计划。She received compensation from the government for the damage caused to her property.她得到了政府给她的财产损失补偿金。Mrs Henessy was at pains to say that she was fighting for a principle, not just for financial compensation.赫尼斯太太费力地解释说她是在为原则而争取,而不单是为了经济补偿。




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