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词汇 死死
例句 She stood rigidly and stared into the room.她浑身僵直地站着,死死盯着房间里面。I would have come off the seat if I hadn't braced my feet against the dashboard.若不是把双脚死死抵着马车的挡泥板,我准会从座位上给摔出去。The two sides in the dispute have been engaging in legalistic wrangling.争执双方一直死死围绕法律条文不停争论。My legs got hopelessly tangled in the rope.我的双腿被绳子死死缠住。The Land-Rover he was driving overturned and pinned him to the ground.他驾驶的路虎车翻了,把他死死压在下面。She stared at him, her mouth hanging open.死死盯着他,嘴巴半张着。The nail was sunk all the way into the wall.钉子被死死钉入了墙里。The smaller wrestler held his opponent in a full body lock.小个子摔跤手死死抱住对手。He drove straight through the storm, never loosening his death grip on the steering wheel.他驾车径直冲进暴风雨中,双手死死握住方向盘。




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