例句 |
The plan has a hitch: drilling holes for the owls in the trees will kill the trees.该计划有个障碍:为猫头鹰在树上钻洞,树会死掉的。She wished him dead.她盼望他死掉。I would fain be dead.我宁可死掉。I was so sick that I felt like I might kick off at any time.我很难受,感觉好像随时会死掉。The flowers died during a dry/cold spell. 这些花在干燥/寒冷的时期死掉了。I was going to ask if his dog was better, but I didn't dare in case she had died.我本想问问他的狗好些没有,可是又怕那狗已经死掉了,所以没敢问。Doctors said the baby could die at any time.医生说这婴儿随时都可能死掉。 These fish will quickly die in salt water.这些鱼在盐水里很快就会死掉。Far rather would she that he were dead.她实在巴不得他死掉。I don't give a monkey's if you drop down dead.如果你倒下死掉我也毫不在乎。Many too famished simply died on the way.很多极度挨饿的人在途中就死掉了。Mary put the evil eye on her and she fell into a decline and died.玛丽对她施邪眼,她就变得身体衰弱然后死掉了。They were relying on the plunge into icy waters to kill me.他们指望着我掉进冰水里死掉。 |