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词汇 步伐
例句 This policy may slow the pace of economic recovery.这项政策可能延缓经济复苏的步伐They moved at an agonizingly slow pace.他们困难地迈着缓慢的步伐She hauled herself to her feet and limped home.她拖着沉重的步伐,蹒跚着回家了。The government must increase the pace of reform to avoid further bloodshed.政府必须加快改革的步伐,以避免再次发生流血事件。Without breaking her stride she ducked the ball.她躲开了那个球,步伐一点儿没乱。He had a purposeful stride.步伐坚定。Having motored ahead with forceful growth for many years, the truck industry was visibly slackening the pace.卡车产业多年来增长势头迅猛,如今已明显放慢步伐A factory was built, hastening the town's growth.工厂的建成加快了小镇发展的步伐Critics feel the government has been slow in relaxing its grip on TV and radio broadcasting.批评家感到政府在放宽对电视和广播的控制方面步伐很慢。His steps were heavy and ponderous.他的步伐沉重缓慢。Another runner bumped into him and threw/knocked him off his stride.另一个赛跑者撞到他,打乱了他的步伐The soldiers broke step when they crossed the stone bridge.士兵们过石桥时乱了步伐A successful company must keep up with the pace of technological change.一家成功的公司必须得跟上技术变革的步伐Without breaking stride Ian kept going at full pace.伊恩没有乱了步伐,继续全速跑下去。We quickened the pace. 我们加快了步伐If you can't stand the pace, chill out.如果你跟不上别人的步伐,就慢慢来。She trudged slowly back to the office.她慢慢地拖着沉重的步伐回到办公室。You can't stand in the way of progress.你无法阻止前进的步伐She struggles to keep pace with her classmates.她努力跟上同学的步伐Their goal is to increase the pace of change, and wipe out the remaining vestiges of apartheid.他们的目的是加快改革的步伐,消灭种族隔离的残余。She noticed her own proud walk had become a shuffle.她意识到自己趾高气扬的步伐已变成了拖着脚走路了。It hasn't stopped the British Navy proceeding on its merry way.这没有阻止英国海军继续得意扬扬地前进的步伐He quickened his pace.他加快了步伐Farmers in the region have been slow to adopt modern agricultural methods.这个地区的农民在采用现代农耕方法方面步伐很慢。Workmen were tramping through the house all day.工人们整天踏着沉重的步伐在房中穿梭。They jogged in silence a while, out of step.他们一言不发地慢跑了一会儿,步伐也不一致。There's been a definite spring in his step ever since he met Joanna.自从他遇见乔安娜之后,走起路来步伐都轻快了。The government must increase the pace of reforms to avoid further bloodshed.政府必须加快改革步伐,避免发生更多的流血事件。He has also called for an acceleration of political reforms.他同时呼吁加快政治改革的步伐The pace of economic growth is picking up.经济增长的步伐正在加快。The government will not slacken the pace of radical reform.政府不会放慢激进改革的步伐He took the first two miles at a run before slowing down to a slightly more leisurely pace.最开始的两英里他是跑着的,后面就放缓步伐,稍稍放松了些。They force the pace of progress forward.他们拼命加快发展的步伐Troops in full marching kit tramped through the streets.士兵们背着装满东西的行军背囊,踏着重重的步伐走过街道。The Government wants to accelerate the pace of structural reforms.政府想要加快结构改革的步伐He quickened his pace a little.他稍稍加快了步伐His pace quickened as he walked on through the forest.穿越森林的时候他加快了步伐She walked slowly to accommodate herself to his pace.她走得很慢,以便与他保持一致的步伐She was skipping to keep up with him.她连蹦带跳地走着,好跟上他的步伐He quickened his pace and so did I.他加快了步伐,我也同样。




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