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例句 The agreement was an important diplomatic stepping stone towards independence.此项协议是通往独立的重要的外交基础。The Government appropriated money to pay for it.政府拨款支付此项费用。She reported on the project to her manager.她就此项目向经理做了汇报。The conservative wing of the party opposed the legislation.该政党中的保守派反对此项立法。The campaign aims to reduce teen smoking.此项活动的目的是让更多的青少年不吸烟。The government is demonstrating utter stupidity in pursuing such a policy.政府执行此项政策愚蠢透顶。The main thrust of the research will be the study of the early Universe and galaxy formation.此项研究的核心是早期宇宙和银河系的形成。He has remained intransigent in his opposition to the proposal.他一直坚决反对此项提议。She approached the task with a dedicated professionalism.她以带有奉献精神的职业作风对待此项任务。The economic recession gave lawmakers a convenient pretext for passing the bill.经济衰退给立法者们通过此项议案提供了恰当的借口。A high score in the test is a passport to success.此项测试取得的高分是通向成功的保障。We never doubted his equipment for this important position.我们从未怀疑过他担任此项要职的能力。Anyone who thinks this legislation will be effective is living in cloud cuckoo land.认为此项立法会行之有效的人都是脱离了现实的人。It is hoped that the development will create new jobs in the region.希望此项开发能为该地区创造新的就业岗位。The research suggests that the drug will be successful, in so far as one can draw conclusions from such a small sample size.就目前从这么小的样品数量所得出的结论来看,此项研究表明这种药是会成功的。The fate of the project hangs in the balance.此项目的命运仍未可知。Latest opinion polls have a comfortable majority against the reform.最新民意调查表明,反对此项改革的人远远占多数。The study invalidates earlier theories.此项研究证实早期的理论是错误的。Public opinion turned against the policy.公众舆论反对此项政策。The study was narrow in scope.此项研究的范围很小。The transaction is voidable at the instance of the vendor.应卖主的要求此项交易被取消了。The new service will be considerably more expensive. Further, it will only be available in certain areas.新的服务价格要昂贵得多,而且,只有在某些地区才可以获得此项服务。The senator says that he supports the proposed legislation.这位参议员说他支持此项立法案。The insurance does not cover preexisting medical conditions.此项保险不涵盖先前得过的疾病。They want to take out a patent on the process.他们想获得此项工艺的专利。His interest in the project remains undiminished.他对此项目的兴趣并未减少。Her contribution to the project was undervalued.她对此项工程的贡献被低估了。The resolution was out of order.此项决议不合议事规则。 The queen confirmed the treaty.女王批准了此项条约。There are plans to franchise the service in other states.有计划在其他州出售此项服务的特许经营权。The judges concluded that the conviction was unsafe.法官裁定,此项定罪证据不足。The governor and her surrogates asked the public to support the change.州长和她的代理人要求公众支持此项变革。New legislation will zero out further funding for the project. 新法规规定将不再为此项工程继续提供资金。International tension should be reduced when this agreement is signed.此项协定签订之后,国际紧张局势应趋于缓和。Even in defeat , he was a hero to those who loved the sport.对那些热爱此项运动的人来说,即使他未能获胜,他仍然是英雄。The plans would transform the park into a tourist Mecca.此项规划要把那个公园改建为旅游胜地。The company views the project as a bridgehead into the Asian market.公司将此项目视为打入亚洲市场的据点。The university could not easily justify spending the money on this.这所大学很难为此项花销作出合理的解释。She told the audience, by way of introduction, that the research was completed a year ago.作为开场白,她告诉听众此项研究一年前就完成了。One of the big west coast towing companies was contracted to do the haulage.西海岸最大的拖运公司之一签约承担此项运输任务。




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