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例句 Red cloth decorated the front and sides of the platform.讲台的正面和侧面装饰着红布。Heads or tails?你猜是正面还是反面?I flipped a coin, and the call was heads.我抛了一枚硬币,并喊是正面Jonathan Asbridge is working on a new design that fastens at the front.乔纳森·阿斯布里奇正在设计一款在正面扣上的新款服装。If you use your imagination, the front of this modern metal structure looks like two people dancing.如果你发挥想象,这个现代金属结构的正面看起来就像两个人在跳舞。There was pressure on academics to construct narratives of the period that were positive.学者们面临压力,要对这一段时间的事件构建一个正面的陈述。Before going on stage, I breathe deeply and think positive thoughts.上台之前,我会做深呼吸,头脑里只想正面的东西。The facade of the building was a little weathered.大楼的正面有点儿斑驳。The critic's verdict about the show was positive.评论家对这次演出的看法是正面的。The school environment can be a negative force as well as a positive one.学校环境既能产生正面的作用,也可能会有负面的影响。He wiped his greasy hands on the front of his overalls.他在工装裤正面擦了擦沾满油污的手。He did not want to argue head-on what the teacher said.他不愿正面反驳老师的话。You have to train your mind to think positively.你必须训练头脑学会正面思考。His sculpture can be seen as a positive statement of general relevance to modern society.可以认为他的雕塑作品正面地表现了同现代社会的普遍关系。He turned his socks right side out.他把他的袜子正面翻到了外面。The villa is fronted by a flight of stairs.别墅的正面是一段楼梯。The front of the cupboard is made of glass.碗橱的正面是玻璃做的。The façade of the church is richly decorated in green and white marble.教堂正面装饰有绿色和白色大理石,显得富丽堂皇。Jerome Bettis correctly called tails but the referee understood him to say heads.杰罗姆·贝蒂斯猜对了,是反面,但裁判却以为他说的是正面Consumers generally place more weight on negative information than on the positive when deciding what to buy.消费者在决定要买什么东西的时候往往更重视负面消息,而不是正面消息。Much has been written on the subject pro and con.有关这个问题已有很多论著,有正面的,也有反面的。The front of the dust jacket bears a photograph.护封的正面有一张照片。The film has gotten some good/bad publicity.这部影片得到一些正面/负面的报道。The Tories believe a full-frontal attack on the opposition leader is their best hope.托利党人认为他们最大的希望就是对反对派领袖展开正面抨击。There aren't enough positive role models for young people today, especially for minority groups.对如今的年轻人,尤其是少数民族群体来说,缺乏正面榜样。The leaves are green on top and silvery on the underside.那些叶子正面是绿色的,反面是银色的。That is the facade of the Palace.那是宫殿的正面In portraits, chiefs were invariably shown full face.画像里,酋长总是正面像。The east coast of Florida bore the brunt of the storm.佛罗里达东海岸受到了风暴的正面侵袭。The thriller is a genre which depends on goodies and baddies.惊悚小说是一种需要有正面和反面人物的文学体裁。Valuable pieces of china were on display in a glass-fronted cabinet.贵重瓷器陈列在正面是玻璃的柜子里。To be sure, not all social media users were impressed.当然,并非所有社交媒体用户的反应都是正面的。Everywhere building facades are pitted with shell and bullet holes.任一处的建筑物正面都布满了弹洞。The reviews were mostly positive.评论大多数是正面的。Turn the material right side out.把布料的正面翻过来。The front of the museum is very impressive.博物馆的正面极为壮观。The facade of the building was a little weathered.正面有点儿斑驳。He ran out of space and had to put his address on the other side of the paper.他把纸的正面写满了,只好把地址写在了背面。Her name was on the front in gold lettering.她的名字用烫金字体印在正面The blast blew a hole in the front of the building.爆炸在建筑物的正面炸出一个洞。




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