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词汇 正当理由
例句 Anyone dismissed because of their race has legitimate grounds for complaint.任何由于种族原因而被解雇的人都有正当理由投诉。The company fired him with/without reason. 公司出于正当理由/毫无道理地解雇了他。The threat does not justify government intervention.这一威胁不是政府进行干预的正当理由Was the wild behaviour of the crowd warrant enough for the police to use force?群众的失控行为足以成为警方使用武力的正当理由吗?It's hard to justify the cost of a new car right now. = It's hard to justify spending money on a new car right now.现在很难为花钱买新车找到正当理由He had a legitimate reason for missing the training session.他缺席培训是有正当理由的。To me the only justification for a zoo is educational.对我来说,动物园存在的唯一正当理由是其教育作用。His behavior is without justification.他的行为没有正当理由Such a step requires substantial justification to be accepted by the public.采取这一措施必须有充分的正当理由才能被公众接受。Nothing can justify what happened this morning.今天早上发生的事没有任何正当理由Give me one good reason why I should help you.给我一个必须帮你的正当理由It was a cruel, calculated crime with absolutely no justification.这是一起凶残的、蓄意策划的罪行,毫无正当理由Domestic conditions did not justify a loosening of monetary policy.国内的情况并不足以成为放松货币政策的正当理由The crisis gave an overarching justification to the government's policy.这场危机使政府的政策找到了能解释一切的正当理由I could find no real justification for the proposed reorganization.我没发现提出重组有什么正当理由His negligence justified immediate termination of the contract.他的疏忽成为立即终止合同的正当理由The press invade people's privacy unfairly and unjustifiably every day.新闻媒体每天都在不公正且没有正当理由地侵犯人们的隐私。They put forward many valid reasons for not exporting.他们提出了很多不出口的正当理由She had her residence permit taken away, without any justification她的居留证在没有正当理由的情况下被没收了。She's been casting around for a good excuse to go to New York.她最近一直在试图寻找去纽约的正当理由We don't believe that they have the economic reforms in place which would justify putting huge sums of Western money into their pockets.我们认为他们并没有让经济改革步入正轨,因此不存在把巨额西方资金送进他们口袋的正当理由Fred has given me no good reason for wanting to break up our marriage.弗雷德没能给我一个想要结束我们婚姻的正当理由She had no valid excuse for not finishing her homework.她说不出没完成家庭作业的正当理由The Raleigh International Bike Ride is open to anyone who wants to raise money for a good cause.罗利国际自行车赛对任何希望以正当理由筹款的人开放。Nothing justifies murdering another human being.什么都不能成为杀人的正当理由Police officers must have a valid reason for stopping motorists.警察拦下驾车司机必须有正当理由She did things for no good reason. 她没有任何正当理由就把事情干了。This does not justify the denial of constitutional protection.这不能成为剥夺他人受宪法保护权利的正当理由There is no valid reason to proceed with the change.没有继续这种变革的正当理由




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