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词汇 正当
例句 The BBC thought it was right and proper not to show the film.英国广播公司认为不播放这部电影是合理而且正当的做法。An industrial tribunal has no jurisdiction to decide whether an employee was fairly or unfairly dismissed.劳资仲裁法庭无权判定解雇是否正当We consider this action justifiable.我们认为这一行动是正当的。He could not properly discharge his duties.他无法正当履行他的职责。This prohibits the deprivation of life without due process of law.这禁止未经正当法律程序剥夺他人的生命。He died at the height of his fame.正当盛名之时去世。The demonstrators’ ends do not justify their means.示威者的目的并不能证明他们的手段是正当的。Just as the gangway was about to be withdrawn, it suddenly came over her that a whole ocean was soon to separate her and her loved ones.正当跳板将要收起的时候她突然意识到整个大海即将把她与她所爱的人隔开。Kathryn was no beauty at the best of times.凯瑟琳即使是在她正当韶华时也绝非美女。He was killed in an accident in the first flush of manhood.正当盛年时在一次事故中丧生。Such behaviour is justified on these grounds.根据这些理由可以说明这种行为是正当的。I will take any job that comes along, within reason.我会接受任何给我的工作,只要是正当的。Her tendency to be secretive only serves to legitimate their suspicions.她总是偷偷摸摸,结果只是印证了他们对她的正当怀疑。Does the end sanctify the means?目的可证明手段正当吗?Luckily my bus arrived before I had time to reply. Saved by the bell.正当我要回答时,我等的公交车就到了,真是万幸。Ella came in right on cue, just as they were being rude about her.正当他们在说些对埃拉失礼的话时,她凑巧进来了。My foot slipped as I was about to shoot and I missed the ball.正当我要射门时,脚底一滑,未能踢到球。He assured us that the insurance claim was honest and above board, but I'm not so sure.他向我们保证,这项保险索赔是诚实正当的,但我不能确定。When the captains could not agree it was the referee's casting vote which meant the match went ahead.正当两队队长意见不一致的时候,裁判决定比赛继续进行。We have reasonable cause not to believe him.我们有正当的理由不相信他。The pie was falling apart as I tried to serve it.正当我想要把派端上桌时,它却突然碎成了好几块。In the midst of the scandal, news broke of her resignation.正当丑闻闹得沸沸扬扬之时,爆出了她辞职的新闻。The money spent on prisons could be better spent on training first-time law-breakers to earn an honest living.与其把钱花在监狱上,还不如用来培训初次犯罪者学习正当谋生的技能。Some players see injuring their opponent as a legitimate tactic.有些运动员把使对手受伤看作正当的战术。Are the premises being used for legitimate business purposes?这些地盘被用于正当商业目的了吗?Nixon went to China in the midst of a crisis at home.正当本国发生危机时,尼克松总统前往中国访问。His actions exceeded the compass of proper social behaviour.他的举动越出了正当的社交行为的范围。She will insist on washing her hair just when I want to have a bath.正当我要洗澡的时候,她偏要洗头。A fuse blew just as we sat down to dinner.正当我们坐下来吃饭时,保险丝烧断了。Unfortunately, I had to leave just as the speaker was warming to his theme.不巧的是,正当发言者就他的主题越讲越起劲儿时,我不得不离开了。Just as we were ready to sit down to dinner, a little boy came running in.正当我们要吃晚餐的时候,一个小男孩跑着进来了。He is in his fireballing years.正当年富力强。He should just get an honest job and stop sponging off the rest of us!.他应该找一份正当的工作,不要再揩我们这些人的油了!Just when she was ready to dip into her savings, Greg hastened to her rescue.正当她准备动用自己的存款时,格雷格赶来给她救了急。He's not averse to publicity, of the right kind.他不反对正当的宣传。Just when things looked hopeless, my brother came along and saved the day.正当事情一团糟时,我哥哥过来收拾了烂摊子。All I want is a legit chance to succeed.我只想要一个追求成功的正当机会。We simply cannot believe that a bona fide seller would conduct business on this basis.我们就是无法相信一个正当的商人会把自己的生意建立在这样的基础上。He was cut down in his prime by cancer.正当盛年便被癌症夺去了生命。Scientists are becoming increasingly unsure of the validity of this technique.科学家们越来越拿不准这一技术是否是正当合法的。




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