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例句 The search and rescue operation is underway.搜索救援工作正在进行A major investigation is underway to root out graft there, he said.他说为了把那里的受贿行为连根拔除,一项重要的调查正在进行A grand reception is in progress.大型招待会正在进行She has a number of projects in development. 她的许多项目正在进行中。I understand that there are a number of projects going on. Could you tell us a little bit about those?.我知道目前正在进行许多项目。能否请您简单谈一谈那些项目?The UN Secretary General is on a fence-mending mission.联合国秘书长正在进行斡旋访问。Mass burials are now under way in an effort to ward off an outbreak of cholera.为防止霍乱爆发正在进行大规模掩埋。Talks were in progress to bring an end to the fighting.停战谈判正在进行中。The aircraft was flying on operational duty.那架飞机正在进行作战飞行。An oil company is drilling offshore.一家石油公司正在进行海上钻探。An intense debate is going on within the Israeli government.以色列政府内部正在进行激烈的辩论。Medical facilities are being reorganized and upgraded.医疗设施正在进行重组和升级。After years of neglect and decline, the city was cleaning itself up.在多年的疏于管理和经济衰退过后,这座城市正在进行自我整顿。Prison officials are carrying out a full investigation after two prisoners escaped from a prison vehicle.两名囚犯藏在监狱车上逃脱后,监狱负责人正在进行彻底调查。The police are conducting a criminal investigation. 警方正在进行刑事调查。The astronauts are conducting a series of experiments to learn more about how the body adapts to weightlessness.那些宇航员正在进行一系列实验,以更多地了解身体如何适应失重状态。Thousands have fled the capital, and aid is being sent to these people.成千上万的人逃离了首都,对这些人的援助正在进行The department's finances are currently being reviewed so all expense claims have been put on hold for the meantime.该部门的财务状况目前正在进行审核,所以一切报销已被暂停。At present there are five major new building projects being undertaken nationwide.目前全国有五个新的重大建设项目正在进行中。They are campaigning for stiffer penalties for people who drink and drive.他们正在进行游说活动,要求对酒后驾车者处以更严厉的惩罚。He is already walking normally and doing remedial exercises.他已经可以正常行走了,而且正在进行康复练习。The ongoing investigation has led to numerous intelligence leads.正在进行的调查已牵出了多条情报线索。Formal negotiations are under way.正式谈判正在进行An investigation is underway after a missile self-destructed shortly after it was launched.一枚导弹发射后不久即自毁,对此事的调查正在进行中。Your remark is undoubtedly apropos to what we are discussing.你的话对我们正在进行的讨论无疑是切题的。This is by no means an exhaustive list but it gives an indication of the many projects taking place.这绝称不上是详尽无遗的清单,但是列出了很多正在进行的项目。The President's advisors were engaged in a fierce battle for power.总统的顾问们正在进行激烈的权力斗争。Preliminary discussions between the two leaders are now underway.双方领导人的预备会谈目前正在进行之中。You're making a serious allegation. Do you have any proof?正在进行一项重大的指控。你有什么证据吗?The company is reorganizing as a corporation.公司正在进行股份有限公司重组。We are making a thorough investigation.我们正在进行彻底调查。Rigorous safety tests are being carried out on the new jet.新型喷气式飞机正在进行严格的安全试验。The mayor skirted the issue by saying that a committee was looking into the problem.市长对这件事避而不谈,只是说委员会正在进行调查。A quiet revolution was underway.一场无声的革命正在进行The sub was on a classified exercise.潜水艇正在进行一次秘密演习。There was a tennis match in progress.当时正在进行一场网球比赛。She's doing a project on adult education.正在进行一项有关成人教育的研究。The deal/game is on.交易/比赛正在进行The company is diversifying its product mix to attract new customers.这家公司正在进行多样化的产品组合以吸引新客户。The astronauts are conducting a series of experiments to learn more about how the body adapts to weightlessness.宇航员正在进行一系列实验,以更多地了解身体如何适应失重状态。




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