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词汇 正值
例句 He was out on parole when he murdered the girl.他谋杀那姑娘时正值假释期间。It was early autumn and the leaves were turning yellow.正值初秋时节,树叶开始转黄。The tensions of the Nixon presidency were replaced by the plain vanilla administration of a friendly, middle-aged, middle-class man from the Middle West.尼克松时代的紧张局面被一届平淡无奇的政府所取代,继任总统温和友善,正值中年,出身中产阶级,来自中西部。It would be daytime in Afghanistan but still dark in America.阿富汗的白天正值美国的夜晚。She was in her early teens.正值豆蔻年华。The composer Schubert was cut down in his prime by illness. 作曲家舒伯特正值盛年就被疾病夺去了生命。Americans are still giving to charity despite hard economic times.尽管正值经济困难时期,美国人依然在做慈善捐助。The maple trees were in their autumn glory of russets, reds and browns.正值秋季,赤褐色、红色和棕色的枫树绚烂夺目。It was the height of summer and the land was parched and brown.当时正值盛夏,土地被晒得又干又黑。He is a writer at the height of his powers.身为作家,他正值事业的巅峰时刻。The hotel is revving up for the busy summer season.正值忙碌的夏季,这家饭店的节奏也变快了。He's very marriageable.正值适婚年龄。It was early spring, and the trees were just starting to put out their leaves.那时正值早春,树上开始冒出新叶。Her husband died in ripe years.她的丈夫正值壮年就去世了。I met her in my salad days.我遇到她时正值青涩年华。Salaries in the industry are scraping/hitting the bottom of the barrel. 这个行业的工资正值低谷。He grew up at a time when blacks were segregated from whites.他成长的年代正值黑人与白人相隔离时期。




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