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词汇 歌剧院
例句 Josef Krips at the State Opera hired her in spite of the fact that she had never sung on stage.尽管她从未在舞台上演唱过,国家歌剧院的约瑟夫·克里普斯还是聘用了她。The taxi driver picked up a fare outside the opera house.出租车司机在歌剧院外面接了一位乘客。She was once the best singer at the Paris Opera.她曾是巴黎歌剧院最好的歌唱家。She works as a set designer for the Metropolitan Opera.她是大都会歌剧院的布景设计师。The satirists guyed the plans for a new opera house.讽刺家们对建造新歌剧院的计划大加嘲弄。Young conductors earn their spurs in a small orchestra or opera house.年轻的指挥们在小型管弦乐队或歌剧院崭露头角。Look at those saddos going to the Royal Opera House, I would jeer.看到那些去皇家歌剧院的蠢家伙,我会不屑一顾。A shower of incendiaries struck the Opera House.一阵密集的燃烧弹击中了那座歌剧院The opera house is one of the city's landmark buildings.这座歌剧院是该市的地标性建筑之一。The opera was given its premiere by the New York City Opera.该歌剧是由纽约市立歌剧院进行的首演。The opera house formed an immense hall with a hundred streaming lustres.从枝形吊灯上垂下的一百个刻花玻璃垂饰将歌剧院装点得富丽堂皇。Scottish Opera presents a startling new production of the operatic drama The Turn of the Screw.苏格兰歌剧院上演了一出令人耳目一新的歌剧《碧庐冤孽》。The package includes a tour of Sydney's famous Opera House.该包价旅游行程包括游览悉尼那座著名的歌剧院I love opera and last year I got tickets for Covent Garden.我喜爱歌剧,去年我搞到几张科芬园皇家歌剧院的票。The ornate interior of the opera house was almost overwhelming.这家歌剧院华丽的内部装饰几乎称得上是气势宏伟。After failing a singing audition at the Metropolitan Opera, she turned to musical comedy.在大都会歌剧院的试唱失败后,她转而去演音乐喜剧了。Most of the conductors at the opera house were third-stringers.那家歌剧院的多数指挥都是三流脚色。Regency Opera have scored something of a coup by persuading her to undertake the role.雷根希歌剧院说服她扮演这一角色从而取得了巨大成功。The following year she joined the Royal Opera House.次年她加入了皇家歌剧院




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