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词汇 欧洲议会
例句 Many people who work at the European Parliament are multilingual.很多在欧洲议会工作的人都会讲多种语言。Elections for the European parliament are set for late next year.欧洲议会的选举定于明年稍后时候进行。Fluency in three languages qualifies her for work in the European Parliament.她能流利地说三种语言,这使她有资格在欧洲议会工作。The European Parliament badly needs a president who can burnish its image.欧洲议会急需一位能改善其声望的主席。The European Parliament has given the plan its unequivocal support.欧洲议会明确支持此方案。Mr Burlatsky had been invited by his European parliament opposite number, Mr Ken Coates.布尔拉茨基先生受到了欧洲议会同级官员肯·科茨先生的邀请。A stronger European Parliament would, they fear, only reinforce the power of the larger countries.他们担心一个更加强大的欧洲议会只会增强大国的力量。As president of the European Council he arbitrated in an argument over cereal prices.作为欧洲议会的议长,他在谷物价格的争论中作出了仲裁。Any European central bank should be directly answerable to the European Parliament.任何欧洲中央银行都必须直接向欧洲议会负责。The changes to borders were officially announced in the European Parliament.边界变化在欧洲议会上正式宣布。The European Parliament badly needs a president who can burnish its image.欧洲议会急需一位能够对其形象加以改善的新议长。When they are in plenary session, members of the European Parliament sit in political groups, not according to nationality.欧洲议会的议员们在参加全体会议时按照政治团体而非国籍分别就座。




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