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词汇 模范
例句 He was a model prisoner.他是一个模范囚徒。Farrakhan was a poor standard-bearer for the causes of African-Americans.法拉坎算不上是美国黑人运动的一位模范领袖。We expect top athletes to be moral paragons.我们期望一流的运动员都是道德高尚的模范His supporters regard him as a model/paragon of virtue. 他的支持者将其视为道德模范/楷模。Jane has turned into a model mother.简成为了模范母亲。His lawyers tried to show him as a model husband and father.他的律师们竭力想证明他是一位模范丈夫和模范父亲。The company has been held up as a model employer, and for good reason. They have a good training program and excellent benefits.该公司被奉为模范雇主,这是有充足理由的。他们有出色的培训计划以及优厚的福利待遇。That hospital is a showpiece.这家医院是家模范医院。You're an ideal family.你们真是个模范家庭。He was always an exemplary team-mate.他一直都是模范队友。She is so clean and tidy, a model daughter.她非常爱干净爱整洁,是一个模范女儿。His mother is a model of industry.他母亲是勤劳的模范He was described by his seniors as a model officer.上司们形容他是个模范官员。She's a model of healthy living.她是健康生活方式的模范Children need same-gender role models.小孩需要与自己同样性别的模范角色。They are a model couple.他们是一对模范夫妻。For some reason he paragoned her.出于某种原因他视她为模范These soldiers serve as models for their country.这些士兵是他们国家的模范Hospital staff say he is a model patient.医务人员说他是一个模范病人。Chris always got to work early and left late - the model employee.克里斯上班总是早来晚走—是模范员工。




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