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词汇 模糊
例句 We could just barely make out the vague outline of a plane in the sky.我们仅能勉强辨认出天空中一架飞机模糊的轮廓。The letters are blurry without my glasses.我不戴眼镜看那些字母是模糊的。A misty figure was coming towards us.一个模糊的身影正朝我们走来。Radio transmissions were often cut off or unintelligible.无线电传送经常会出现中断或信号模糊The Internet has blurred the boundary between news and entertainment.因特网模糊了新闻与娱乐的界限。They said the printing was too faint to reproduce well.他们说这材料印得太模糊,无法复印清楚。I can't remember that day very well. It's all a bit of a blur.那天的事我记不太清了,一切都有点儿模糊They offer specific legislative changes, not vague utopias.他们提出立法方面的具体改革,而不是模糊的不可能实现的改良计划。The house became just a smudge on the horizon.那幢房子成了地平线上一个模糊的影子。Weather forecasting is an inexact science.天气预报是一门模糊的科学。I have only misty memories of my early childhood.我对自己的童年只剩一些模糊的记忆。She's suffering from blurry vision.她视力不好,看东西很模糊I saw the blur of the car as it passed in front of me.汽车从我面前驶过,我只看到一个模糊的影子。I only had a vague idea of where the place was.那个地方的位置我只有一个模糊的概念。The children's faces are out of focus in the photograph.照片中孩子们的脸照得很模糊Can Sally go back in your room and lie down? She's really out of it.萨莉可以回你的房间躺下来吗?她神志很模糊了。The whispers grew fainter and fainter, then stopped altogether.耳语声越来越模糊,最后完全停了下来。A dark shape moved behind them.一个模糊的黑影在他们后面移动。I could just make out a dim figure coming towards me in the fog.大雾中,我只看见一个模糊的人影朝我走来。The border between science fact and science fiction gets a bit fuzzy.科学事实和科幻小说之间的界限变得有点儿模糊了。There is some ambiguity in this clause.本条款有些模糊之处。She's sending mixed signals about her feelings.她表露出的情感信号很模糊His novels tend to blur the distinctions between reality and fantasy.他的小说往往模糊了现实和幻想的区别。A tide of emotion rose and clouded his judgement.心头涌起一阵强烈的感情,模糊了他的判断力。The bad memories had faded.不好的回忆已经逐渐模糊There's a fuzzy line between parents' and schools' responsibilities.家长的责任与学校的责任之间界线是模糊的。The line between fact and fiction is becoming blurred.事实与虚构之间的界限趋于模糊Despite the sulky rain dribbling over his night goggles, Kyle didn't even need a compass to show the way.天色阴暗,细雨模糊了夜视镜,即便如此,凯尔不用指南针也能找到路。After exposure a faint image is visible.曝光之后一个模糊的图像隐约可见。Her foolish words darkened the solution of the question.她的胡言乱语把问题的答案搞得模糊了。Others believe that interstellar dust might have obscured the sight.其他人则认为,可能是星际尘埃模糊了视线。She had only a hazy idea of Britain's prison problems.她对英国的监狱问题只有些许模糊的认识。I am old enough to remember the Blitz, but only just.伦敦空袭那阵我已开始记事,但也只是仅仅有些模糊的印象。His naturalism shades over to obscure fantasy.他的自然主义逐渐向模糊的幻想转化。I retained only a muddy image of the event.对于这一事件,我的脑海中只留下模糊的印象。The dim figure of Bob was barely visible.鲍勃模糊的身影几乎看不见。He had only a shadowy idea of what they wanted him to do.对于他们想让他做什么,他只有一个模糊的概念。Your ideas are fuzzy and lack form.你的思想模糊,缺乏条理。There has been a blurring of the sharp distinction between descriptivism and prescriptivism in the writings of grammarians and lexicographers. 在文法学者和词典编纂者的作品中,描述主义和规约主义之间的界限开始模糊了。Without my glasses everything looks fuzzy.不戴眼镜的情况下,我看什么都很模糊




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